Just had my own personal experience with Carol House Clinic. Very - TopicsExpress


Just had my own personal experience with Carol House Clinic. Very good care, the line is a bit daunting but overall very good!! I went this morning to pick Spatula up.......I decided to be there early to beat traffic and to beat the line. After the speech about their services, importance of spay/neuters, with euth rates included, the conversation that followed between two people was entertaining. Lady says, spay and neuter doesnt make a difference in pit bull euth rates, stopping breed bans does. What????? Man across from her says that makes no sense......look at Craigs List, almost all ads are for pit bulls. Lady says why wouldnt everybody want one(that I agree with) they are sweet, loving, loyal dogs. Man says because they eat peoples faces off.......Oh dear God, I am sitting in a room full of misinformed idiots with my EUTHANIZE VICK hat on and it is 7 oclock in the morning.......LMAO (PS I am not saying where the lady so proudly proclaimed she was from and was very active in the Stop BSL Ban Group, but I am sure Tracee would be so proud!!! ;) )
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:49:37 +0000

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