Just had the most EXHAUSTING day... Started early when Zeb - TopicsExpress


Just had the most EXHAUSTING day... Started early when Zeb decided it was time to get up for breakfast. Of course, he just got every pawdy else fired up! Didnt get enough time to even have a full cup of coffee before I was off and running. Started out working a bit on my aquarium. I got it all set up like I want it now and bought 10 more fish to put in it. It looks GREAT! As soon as it clears up a bit Ill snap a few pics. Right now, its a bit cloudy because I was adding stuff to it so much. Changed the filters again already. Before I could do that, I needed to run to Walmart to pick up a few things for it. As I was leaving, I got a call to go to PetsMart, which was going to be my next stop, anyway, but they said there was a kitty there that had a runny eye, so I needed to come back home and get meds and THEN go back. Had my nephew, Blake, with me. When we got to PetsMart, we were just in time to see Stephens County Humane Society of Oklahoma getting there to set up for an adoption event. I just happened to be wearing my Bark in the Park shirt from 2012! They were just unloading their van and had a few totes sitting beside the van. Blake (awesome young man that he is!) grabbed a tote and started helping them get set up! This young man has his aunts heart when it comes to animals! Such a well-mannered, sweet kid! He asked if he could stay and help them out and he did! Stayed for about 3 hours, walking dogs and helping keep them in water and food. Made some great friends. Good job, Blake! Proud of you, buddy!! While he was there, I came back home and finished the aquarium, then went in to the playroom where the kittens live and let them run for awhile while I cleaned their cages and vacuumed the floor. All clean bedding and food and water bowls and litter boxes. Did about a dozen loads of laundry, including my bedding, since Gemini felt the need to baptize my bed AGAIN this morning, right in front of Susan and I. Flipped my mattress and washed the bedding and got it changed. Before I could get it done, I looked down at the cedar chest where my pillows were and there was Spike, peeing on my PILLOW!! ARRGG!!! Comon, guys!!! Glad it was the old pillow that needed replacing, anyway, and not my isocool pillow!! So I was off to Dollar General to get a new pillow. Finally got finished up an hour ago. Have had Coot out running all day, so he should feel better. Poor boy has been cooped up in the playpen so much lately that Ive felt awful. We got a new baby in a couple of days ago that someone found on the verge of starvation. Didnt know if he would make it or not. He was in awful shape. Nothing but skin and bones and so weak. Couldnt even control his own body heat, so hes been on the heating pad. He had a really bad URI and when a cat gets one that bad, they have no sense of smell and tend to stop eating, like this one did. After a couple of antibiotic shots and a few days on oral antibiotics, hes doing much better. Still looks awful, but hes making progress. Eating like a horse! Ive moved him into my room so I can keep an eye on him. As soon as his bowl is empty, I fill it again. Weve named him Gabe. Hes gonna make it! Still have a load of clothes in the dryer and one in the washer and a mattress pad and blanket left to wash, a big basket of clothes to fold and a dishwasher full of clean dishes that needs emptied, but Ill finish tomorrow. This girl is too tired to do another thing. Now for some enjoyment... Maybe a bit of Farmtown!! Have a great night, every pawdy!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:15:23 +0000

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