Just had to share this from Johns Pink Drink what if shed have - TopicsExpress


Just had to share this from Johns Pink Drink what if shed have quit!? so my wife was a plexus ambassador (just to get the discount) for about six months before ever really making any money in network marketing. during that time she became a product of the product and steadily grew her customer base while yours truly often chided and ridiculed her for being part of a pyramid scheme and not making any real money... not that she was even trying. but then in june, 2011 she attended her (and THE) first annual plexus convention and met a gal from ocean springs who was making $10k a month after just a short time as a plexus ambassador. now, given that i usually grossed somewhere between $13k - $14k a month at my day job, $10k a month wasnt exactly stratosphere money; however, $10k a month in addition to my income at work!?!?!? well, the thought of that simply floored me. i couldnt fathom it. it was simply a pipe dream of my wifes imagination. nothing more, nothing less... and i laughed at her naivety because only a select few made money at network marketing... and they were usually crooks. well, the story [in a nutshell] (regarding income) goes a little something like this: she was making $10k per month nine months after that convention... and here we are today, about two years after her making emerald, and things are simply insane. i try not to say it, but inevitably someone will ask me how much money are the two of you making a month as plexus ambassadors / network marketers? my first reply is always do you really want to know!? after an affirmative nod, my response usually generates a jaw-drop, a curse word or two (depending on who im speaking with), or both. of course this is often followed with but i cant sell anything, i dont know anyone, or my spouse wont let me... which invokes a chill out response on my part followed by an assurance that im speaking as john, the friend/family member, and not john, the mlmer; and then reminding them that they are the ones who asked me, not the other way around, and that whatever excuse they could dream up ive already used myself. but why... why do so many not get started or give up so early in network marketing? people will invest in real estate and put in the necessary hard work knowing that it will sometimes take years to see a return of their investment, yet they scoff at putting in a little effort as a network marketer for a few years and perhaps seeing a lifetime roi that the unstable real estate market could never possibly match. well... let me tell you about saras [initial] direct upline in plexus... no, its not who you think it is. her first sponsor, whom sara met working her business at a plexus booth, quit plexus shortly after sara joined... something that not only has cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars thus far, but may have also cost her millions of dollars in future income, given that today she would have one diamond and no less than five emeralds on her first three levels, alone... which right now would perhaps itself yield a five-figure a month return in income, not to mention what it will grow into in the future. stick it through, people. believe me... its worth it. its not get rich, quick. which brings me back to what if? sara had said nothanks? well, sara and i would be fine, although id still be busting my butt full-time on the call schedule... and id be happy being an idiot that didnt know what id missed out on. but what else? well, my beautiful wife wouldve likely never come out of her shell to be the industry leader that she is, already; and becoming more and more every day. but what else? two dozen [+] friends (and counting), family, and acquaintances would likely still be working their day jobs and probably have no idea what kind of opportunity network marketing with plexus is. oh... and health-wise: countless numbers of people associated with our downlines would still be living unhealthy lives, including ourselves. as it is, one person made this change that has affected thousands of people at a time when her husband laughed at her and mocked her. your story could be similar. you just have to believe, give it a good go, be coachable, and never give up. dont compare yourself to others; that will steal your joy. just be you. god made you to not only be you, but to also prosper and bless you... and not to harm you. its up to you, though, to use discernment and recognize when He has placed an opportunity in front of you. happy friday. be blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:20:55 +0000

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