Just in Case You Want to Know: In these Last Days...... NASA - TopicsExpress


Just in Case You Want to Know: In these Last Days...... NASA successfully tests flying saucer vehicle: So if you see a flying Saucer dont go all crazy....After several weather delays, NASA successfully launched and recovered a flying saucer into Earths atmosphere Saturday to test technology that could be used to land on Mars. 4.1 Richter quake inside Myanmar: An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 struck inside Myanmar at 11.51am Sunday, according to the Meteorological Department. The epicentre of the quake was about 273km northeast of Chiang Rais Mae Sai district and about 9km underground on the Myanmar-China border. Earthquake felt strongly in Denali, Interior Alaska: FAIRBANKS - An earthquake centered near the entrance of Denali National Park was felt widely throughout Interior Alaska. The quake was reported at 10:58 p.m. It had a magnitude of 4.61 and was located 11 miles east-northeast of Denali Park and 18 miles northeast of Cantwell at a depth of seven miles. Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America: A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Island in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the US Geological Survey said. Earthquake strikes off Japanese island Iwo Jima: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the island of Iwo Jima, Japan, on Sunday, the Reuters news agency reports with reference to Japan’s seismological service. 5.2 magnitude earthquake felt across Southern Arizona: It originated about 30 miles northwest of Lordsburg, N. M. Officials say that it was felt strongest in Greenlee and Cochise counties in Arizona. Isis crucifies nine people in Syrian villages: Nailed by hands and feet.. by Islam the Religion of Peace, according to Obama and the Pope?...A man has survived being crucified by Isis in Syria, after the jihadists raided his village and nailed him to a cross for eight hours. The unnamed man from Al-Bab, near the border with Turkey, was crucified as a punishment, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. He managed to survive the ordeal. Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants: You cant find a job in the USA, here is why... According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal. ...CIS scholars...found that there were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level. Oregon Celebrates Independence Day… With ‘No Refusal’ Blood Checkpoints: You have just given up your rights in Oregon...So roll up your sleeves and quit complaining....Better get used to it, you have no rights in the USA nowdays...Enjoy Independence Day???....During Independence Day weekend, a time to celebrate US freedom and unalienable rights, Americans in Oregon will be subjected to a “blitz” of ‘no-refusal’ blood-draw checkpoints, as part of a disturbing trend that now extends nationwide. Local news station KVAL reports that State police are re-naming Fourth of July weekend “No Refusal Weekend”, as part of a crack down on drunk driving. ........ usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/06/28/nasa-flying-saucer-launch/11610801/ The Lord Jesus is coming soon for His Body/Bride and He will not be using a Flying Saucer...Are you ready...You are saved by Grace through Your Faith in what Jesus has done on the Cross and in the Resurrection....Not by any of your Works...
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:21:40 +0000

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