Just in case, let me put this out there. There is a priceless - TopicsExpress


Just in case, let me put this out there. There is a priceless lining to the Truth, ye young philosopher! The clearer your understanding becomes, the more Wisdom that you are imbued with the more the distinction of your view becomes reality. The Truth is not threatened. The Way, the Path that you walk upon is never trod upon by the feet of fleeting men and thought. They strive, they manipulate, they lie, kill, war and mock...to no avail. They remain lost. Tell them your greatest secrets, those in power, and they are none the wiser for it! They claim to want control of the world and in Truth, have never glanced, nor considered what the world actually is. There is nothing to fear from all of their endeavors combined! You may hand them nail and hammer and blueprints for building, yet THEY know better. They swallow the nail, kill the first person they see with hammer and wipe their asses with the blueprint! You may offer to join any, hell to join all, and help in their very endeavors, to no avail. They believe your offer of assistance is a placating of sorts, an acknowledgement of their right answers. They do not see that you came as the Guide and not a follower. THIS is the apostasy. Communists, Fascists, Freemasons or Illuminati, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zionists, Tea Party, Occupy, Peasants, Kings, Banks, Corporations, Peace activists, War activists an any other false discrimination that can be imagined know this: You all lack the information and most importantly, the ability to rule with any lasting success! The Truth will not tolerate any of these for long! I would truly join any or all who really wished to conquer this world for Truth and usher in a lasting Global Civilization but alas, this is not what any of these seek. All scream my way, my way while the camp of salvation for their very needs lies elsewhere. So you young philosopher, gain knowledge and understanding and the ability to see known as Wisdom which has nothing to do with pleasant or painful experience as others falsely teach. Wisdom is the shooting of a gap as Emerson expressed, and the light dancing of Nietzsche. It is the central combination BEYOND and ABOVE analysis that leads to ever higher and new signposts of synthesis. Draw a new circle around all of the old. Point the way Home and then proceed, walking alone, if none believe. All will be well for you if you are tethered there by the Truth of your Vision and not of your opinion or desire. Tell them in parting, if that is the case, that you would gladly Carrying them to true safety and security if they would but acquiesce. But if, alas, it is your soul they desire to take with them instead. Walk, Stand or Run as your course dictates. The World news is bitterly unfocused. Contrivances and irrelevancies dominate. The build up of a Global Revolution is underway in which if any one faction were to actually prevail the result would be trivial and likely push us closer to extinction than not. East I say, now West or I shall kill you! Proceed O You to the North or South as you know best! To enter the promised land, understand that Heaven is at war. Let not a diplomat of Truth fear whether they advocate for Satan or God (rhetorically,) so long as the process of diplomacy is to resolve the war and help bring reconciliation. Take not sides, O Philosopher, but Stand Thy ground for Truth. There are no sides that our children know when the umbilical is cut! There is Life, O Beautiful hidden Source, and there is Eden whose fireflies and rainbow waterfalls, whose starry skies and unlimited sunshine, whose fragrant flowers the honeybee pollinates, while it wist not what it does, bringing forth fruit for us of every kind! Stand Free in Eden from the corruption of the Truth, Smiling, O Philosopher. Thou art always at Home here! Love and Peace! ~Eden
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:16:38 +0000

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