Just in case u dont want to listen to me or look at the pics- - TopicsExpress


Just in case u dont want to listen to me or look at the pics- heres what it says.. A lil boring, but I felt compelled to let it out.. I cant possibly be alone.... #deteriorating #looknlikealollipop #itsallgood #stillmeinside *I was going thru some old pictures and couldnt help but notice the drastic changes my body has taken since Ive become ill. I knew I had lost quite a bit of weight but actually SEEING it put it into perspective and made it that much more scary. I see a lot of posts about guys not wanting bones and this and that. Basically putting skinny girls down, and well to each his own. But just remember the next time you see a skinny girl and you have the urge to roll your eyes or make a snarky comment about her- just remember that we are not all skinny by choice, were not all skinny cause we are on an extreme diet we are not all skinny because we are trying to follow societys standard for what is supposedly beautiful. They may just be there like me- trying to deal with the card dealt by God. So lets just try as women, and humans, not to put each other DOWN, but to bring each other UP. Thick, skinny, tall, petite, male, female whoever it may be, because you dont know the fight they are struggling thru, you dont know the pain your words can cause them, you dont know the hurt they are already in........ Love unconditionally, dont judge, smile cause you can, always put yourselves in others shoes, and dont ever assume anything about anyone*
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 02:44:19 +0000

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