Just in from Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community - TopicsExpress


Just in from Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council. Always a friendly, good-natured meeting. Here are some key points: • PC Irvine and PC Urquhart gave a summary of the incidents in the past month. Of particular interest were car thefts. One car was stolen in Muchalls and there was an unsuccessful attempt in Newtonhill. By and large these thefts are committed by youngsters who sneak into houses to pick up car keys and then go for a joy ride until they get bored, or the police catch them. Lock your doors and keep you car keys secure. Another example is leaving the car running in the morning to demist the window. A chap in Stonehaven had his car stolen as a result. The force is also looking for recruits. Salaries start at just over £23,000. • Sue Selway has stepped down as a community councillor. There are now two vacancies in Newtonhill. Could that be you? Other members who were also due to stand down have been re-elected for further three year terms. The officer-bearers remain the same (chairman - Michael Morgan; vice-chairwoman - Rhoda Nelson; secretary - Edith Stephen; treasurer – Eric Hargreaves). • Analysis of returns to the community plan questionnaire indicate that more people are unhappy about bus services than about dog mess. • Applications for funding from the Meikle Carewe wind farm community fund are open from 1 July until 30 September, with decisions being made in October. • Work has started on the footbridge over the Pheppie Burn between Newtonhill and Muchalls. The original bridge was swept away in the downpours of last year. • Construction work is well under way on the road access to Chapelton of Elsick. Work has also started on preparing for gas pipes and a water pumping station beside the A90. • Some £6m in EU grants will be available over the next five years across Aberdeenshire for community projects. • The next meeting is on 16 April at 7.30pm in Muchalls Village Hall.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 22:06:02 +0000

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