Just in the course of my lifetime I have seen the arrival of color - TopicsExpress


Just in the course of my lifetime I have seen the arrival of color TVs, push button phones, personal computers, hybrid cars, amazing medications to prevent and sometimes cure life threatening diseases, cell phones with texting and data plans, skinny jeans, and scores of other things that have added a great deal to our lives. This does not even take into account all the technology that seems, at least sometimes, to have taken over our lives. Did you ever sit down and think about what your life might be like if everyone just accepted the status quo and never made attempt to change the way we live, play, or work? CHANGE is something that I have always found very interesting. Not only for myself, but I have enjoyed watching friends, relatives, colleagues, and the world adapt the the newest things that come along. There have been magazine articles written about change, documentaries created, books written about it, and lectures by the hundreds are delivered every day about not only the current changes, but the ones that we might expect in the future. Personally, I have aways been a fan of change. More often than not the changes that I have been forced or encouraged to accept have made me better at my job or a better and more knowledgeable person. I have embraced every new technology that has come along and I have found that it has made me happier and more productive. Now this is not to say there have been times when I wanted to throw my technology out the window or drag it by its cords and cables behind my car for a few miles. This goes with the territory and most people can probably appreciate this. What I have discovered about change is that you have to make a choice. You need to either embrace what is new or you have to agonize and be angry about the new change. I have known people who have tried both strategies and my experiences tells me that once the change is here it almost never, ever goes back to the way it was. So, if this is the case, fighting these new changes is futile and causes one heck of a lot of stress. Stress is not good.....as many people with high blood pressure and heart issues with tell you. Change for me was always a way to re-invent myself, or my work strategies, or how I got along with friends and colleagues. I tried to do new things in the classroom each year with the hopes that my new plan might get better results and makes for happier and more successful students. The teaching experts in Albany made sure we tried new tactics quite often and over the years we were expected to embrace many new ways of doing our jobs, like it or not. I did not always like it but I did my best to incorporate their ideas in my classroom. Getting tossed out of a couple of basketball games encouraged me to be different on the sidelines.....and it worked, I never got the boot again. For me, accepting change almost always got better results, and the level of stress that I had went down appreciably. When you look at all the great stuff, ideas, methods, and technology that we get to use we have to be thankful for the people who not only tried change, but embraced it as a lifestyle. If they had just done things the way they had always been done the world would be a very different place for sure. I know that there are some changes that have made things worse, but being playing the optimist, I dare say that there have been many more amazing changes than terrible ones. Today is the day is to dare to do something different, embrace some kind of new technology, eat some food you have never dared to try. Change is a part of the human condition, so I encourage you all to embrace change and the reap all the benefits that comes with it. Enjoy my friends!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:47:07 +0000

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