Just letting out what I feel Tonite I was at a service a - TopicsExpress


Just letting out what I feel Tonite I was at a service a Pentecostal service the worship was wowwww Mt Pastor Mike gave his testimony every thing alll good ,but we say we are Gods people and we are the body of Christ. And Christ is no respcter of people and uf gid that way sime one PLEASE tell me WHY WE ARENT ,IT CANE TIME TO ACKNOWLEDGE ,THE PASTOR,AND BISHOPS EVERY ONE WAS ACKNOWLEDGE AND WHEN HE GOT TO MY YES I SAID MY BISHOP ,HE SAYS MY YOUNG FRIEND GOOD TO SEE YOU AND THATS HOW THE BODY OF CHRIST ACT WOW ,YES IT BOTHER me yes I got upset , But then the Holy Spirit whisper un my ear they deny Jesus in his home town ,after that when I got to where I was staying went to my room and adk God to forgive me ,for what was not like him,but some of the BODY OF CHRIST HAVE A STRANGE WAY OF ACTING THE THING I.LOVE ABOUT THE LORD GE NO RESPECTOR OF PERSON ,IM GLAD I SERVE How GOD GAS CALLED ME TO SERVE Now THAT MY MIND IS DECLOTTER I CAN REST IN JESUS THANKS FIR LETTING NE SHARE GOD BLESS EVERYONE
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 05:03:48 +0000

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