Just like Peter and Andrew, the LORD often times comes to us with - TopicsExpress


Just like Peter and Andrew, the LORD often times comes to us with commands: Follow Me... go to that country and share My Word. Trust Me... I will carry you in these trials you are going through. Obey Me... as hard as it seems, you will get through this. I am with you. Listen to Me... quiet your mind & heart, do not be troubled. What we do after weve heard these commands remains solely up to us. God will not force us to obey Him. He will not crack a whip on our backs in anger if we are loathing to follow Him into the unknown. But then, if we refuse to be His hands and feet, He will not be able to bless us in the same manner He would have if we had chosen to be obedient to His calling in the first place. The calling on our lives stands before us. Go into the world (i.e different countries/continents) and preach the Gospel (Matthew 28:16-20); bear the spiritual fruit of Christ and mature in the faith (John 15:5); be ready with a testimony to give unto all who question your beliefs in the Father (2 Timothy 4:2); live your life as a gift and living sacrifice for the Fathers glory (2 Timothy 4:2). What will our choice be? We will do as Peter and Andrew did? Ignoring the nay-sayers and people who instill doubts and walls of fear into our minds? Or will we surge ahead in faith & trust that our Father whos called us to such tasks will provide for our every need along the way? When we start to rely less on our own strength & more on our Fathers, we then become the clay in His hands which He is freely able to mold and shape to be used even more easily throughout this life as a witness and testimony as to who He is. The choice is ours, my Brothers and Sisters. When we stand before the celebration table of the Groom & our King of Kings, when we sit down aside our brothers and sisters whom have fallen in spiritual combat carrying the message of Christ & hope throughout this life, what will we tell them of our lives? What will our story be? Will it be a tale of daring adventures, faith built on the Rock of the Ages, or even hope in the midst of terrifying circumstances? What will your choice be?
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:27:09 +0000

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