Just like the tabernacle has 3 dimensions, but is 1 tabernacle, so - TopicsExpress


Just like the tabernacle has 3 dimensions, but is 1 tabernacle, so is GOD. The tabernacle has the outer court, ( body), holy place ( soul), and holy of holies ( spirit).so we see with God, father, son, holy ghost.all these show the 3 dimensions of the tabernacle. All 3 are in one person. You will find that all 3s in the bible land on all 3s, and all 4s land on all 4s, and all 5s on all 5s, and so on throughout the bible. Let me give some more examples. Death ( outer court- this is where the sacrificial lamb was slain), burial ( holy place-this is a picture of Christ death), and resurection (holy of holies- or the heavenlies-this is a picture of his resurection and acending to the father). Now another example, the way ( john 14:6- he is the door- outer court), the truth ( holy place- picture of pentecost, this is where the holy spirit was poured out- and the holy spirit is truth- also in john 14:6), the life- ( veil), holy of holies- the heavenlies).lets give 1 more example, lets go with the 3 main feast of Israel, passover- outer court- this is where the sacrificial lamb was slain- read lev 23:5), pentecost - holy place- this came 50 days after passover- and this is where the holy spirt was poured out ( the oil in the candlestick is a picture of the holy spirit) read lev 23:16. Next we have the feast of tabernacles - holy of holies- this is a picture of the feast of ingathering, ( the heavenlies) where God will gather all his elect.lets sum this up, body-( 1 thes 5:23):, soul ( 1 thes 5:23), spirit ( 1 thes 5:23). Now the way( john 14:6) , truth( john 14:6), life ( john 14:6).my now you should get the point, that all 3 dimensions of God are in one person, just like all 3 dimensions are in one tabernacle. More quick examples, 30- 60- 100 fold ( notice always that the 3rd of the 3s are always the greatest, and they land in the holy of holies ( the heavens). Little children, young men, and fathers- full maturity in our walk in Christ .
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:11:28 +0000

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