Just look below. Several weeks ago all i saw on facebook was - TopicsExpress


Just look below. Several weeks ago all i saw on facebook was pictures like this of peoples progress in weight loss. **My Story** I knew i needed to do that aswell but lived in denial. I was suffering with a bad back and aches in my knee not to mention always feeling frumpy and tired, pretty much fed up. So i went to the docs. She simply put that my weight wasnt helping with the pressure and told me that one day i may wake up and be in so much pain that i wouldnt be able to play with my kids let alone anything else. My kids are my world so to be told that could happen really hit me. I walked away from there a little upset, but determined to lose the weight so it would never happen as the dr said it could. The next day i signed up to juice plus+ recieved my welcome emails with my new plan and off i went. If truth be told the first few days were hard but i was so motivated and determined that i would and could do it i just powered through. Week 1 weigh in was all i needed to spur me on to reach my goals and tottally achievable targets - 9lb loss. Brilliant. Not only that i felt amazing, awake, full of energy and drive to keep going. 9 weeks later that energy has only gotten better, my alertness and drive and passion are all at the highest, i feel awesome. Clothes litterally fall off me and the best feeling is when people compliment me on the weight ive lost and how much younger i look. It gives me more confidence and wanting. Now im here to tell you that you can do it. Anything you put your mind to is achievable. Ask me how i can help give something back to the product that made me a heathier happier fitter new me. 3 stone 2lbs lighter and knocking down walls all the time. And you know what my kids love that i have this little extra spring in my step as its all for them. My life My inspiration. 󾁓Juice Plus+ = Life Changer󾁓 Get in touch today to begin to find the new healthier you. Ste
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:55:16 +0000

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