Just need to post this here to make it super clear! The Futsal - TopicsExpress


Just need to post this here to make it super clear! The Futsal staff has been reading todays earlier thread with interest and perhaps a healthy dose of trepidation (probably thinking what have we got ourselves into?!?).....here is the clarification on what will be available from catering for the BOUTS portion of the evening (again boot campers will have other options, including bringing in special sports food and dietary needs for the 2 full days...you will receive email with instructions): The food will be American Dinner type food: Burgers, Hot Dogs, Fries (with an array of supplements Cheese, beans, gravy, curry sauce) plus a few vegan options like salad boxes and veggie wraps. We are also very welcome to other ideas here. So, they are going to try to have some options for vegans and healthy folk, but obviously if anyone has any steller and realistic suggestions for the catering team, by all means make them! ADDITIONALLY, we need to make it clear that they are serious about people not smuggling food and drink in. There is now likely to be bag checks, so please be aware. Also, we dont actually think anyone should try and sell anything from the parking lot - that was obviously a joke folks! DO NOT DO THAT - Futsal will not look kindly on that at all. We all want this event to go smoothly and to have an awesome time. We know there has been a lot of excitement and hype and expectation, but lets all take a deep breath and let it happen in as calm and professional way as possible guys! Venues dont work on charity, they need to make money off catering sales too, and thats OK. Its what makes our little country go round after all. Derby doesnt get a free pass (sadly!) Peace and London vs Gotham luv! xoxo LRG
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 20:55:50 +0000

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