Just over 2 weeks till Fierce will be out! Must be time for a - TopicsExpress


Just over 2 weeks till Fierce will be out! Must be time for a teaser, right??? Fierce (Storm MC #2) https://goodreads/book/show/19546770-fierce?ac=1 ** This is from Harlows POV ** Was that a jackhammer? The noise coming from outside my house was so freaking loud that I thought my skull might explode. I slowly opened my eyes and pain tore through my head as the light was allowed in. Scrunching them shut again, I prayed for the pain to end. It didn’t; it only intensified. Bloody hell, I was never, ever drinking again. The noise from outside sounded again, along with a, “Harlow!” I sat up in bed, the pain ricocheting from side to side at my sudden movement. That sounded like Scott. I threw the sheet off me and slowly got out of bed. My hand flew to my head to try and hold it; if I could keep it still it wouldn’t hurt as much. That was my theory anyway. Hangovers weren’t something I often dealt with; I’m sure that made it feel worse. “Harlow! You in there?” Yep, definitely Scott. I made my way to the front door because I was sure he would keep banging and yelling until I did. When I finally opened the door, the sun smacked me in the face and I winced as I tried to cover my eyes with my hand. “F**k,” Scott muttered, and I parted two fingers so I could peer at him through the slit. His eyes were focused on my legs and then they lazily moved up to my face, lingering on my breasts as they went. A jolt of electricity shot through me. Scott Cole’s eyes undressing me made me wet. I could only imagine what his hands ripping my clothes off would do to me. “Do you always answer your door wearing nothing?” he demanded roughly, stepping into my house and moving me out of the way so that he could shut the door behind us. I looked down at what I was wearing. Bloody hell, he was right. I was only wearing my thong and a tiny tank. Swallowing my mortification, I carried on as if this was a normal occurrence even though it was as far from my usual behaviour as you could get. “Do you always wake people up by banging on their door and yelling at them? Especially when you know that they would have a hangover and need complete silence to get through the day?” He smirked, so I smacked him on the arm, and then sashayed my way down the hall, making sure to give him an eyeful of my bare ass. I figured I may as well work with the situation at hand even if it wasn’t what I would have chosen. The noise he made as he sucked in a breath was almost enough to make up for my embarrassment.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 21:50:45 +0000

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