Just over four years ago now, I lost someone very close to me. As - TopicsExpress


Just over four years ago now, I lost someone very close to me. As devastating as that loss was, it also served as an important turning point in my life. Where many of the carefree frivolities and vain trivialities of my youth started to take a back seat. It was then that I realized it was my turn to step up and take full responsibility for my life and my actions, and for the lives and destinies of those for whom I care. Not only was it in my best interests as a man to take this step, but now, even more than ever before, people were looking to me to lead, to blaze a new trail, to set the tone, to provide hope and direction. In taking on this role, one I had been grooming myself for since childhood, there is one simple rule I promised myself I would follow, and apply to every aspect of my life—take nothing for granted. This has become something of a mantra for me, a guy who spent so much of his younger years so forward-focused, driven and hell-bent, that I rarely took the time to stop and smell the roses. From that point forward, I would do my best to take advantage of each opportunity that came my way—that nothing was too inconsequential to do well and every chance to build a better life was something in which I would excel. To never lose sight of my dreams and goals—for they were now about something bigger than just my own petty wants and needs. And to ensure that the people in my life never closed their eyes at night unsure of what they meant to me. Very little in this world is promised, and few and far between are those who can be counted on when the chips are down. I endeavor to be that constant, that fixture, that rock. The one who can be depended upon, through thick and thin. As we are hurtled forward toward an infinite and uncertain horizon at a breakneck clip, we must take refuge in the fact that within us lies a great power, capable of immeasurable change and force. It can create. It can love. It can lead. It can heal. It is within us each morning, ready to be utilized and cultivated, to be drawn upon when times are tough. It is the strength that can make us great, and allow us to raise up those around us who need a hand. I must summon this power often if ever I am to be the man I was born to be. It is truly the greatest of blessings. And one I simply refuse to take for granted.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:31:11 +0000

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