Just part of whats on my mind Today.... The Heaven and the - TopicsExpress


Just part of whats on my mind Today.... The Heaven and the Earth, God created both in the beginning. So when He created the heaven and the earth there was in existence now; God, the heaven and the earth, one God and two places that were created by and joined together by God who did not have a beginning because He just is you cannot explain the fact that before the beginning He was because no one was there to observe Him but inside of Him was everything that would be and was and will be and so all of everything was with Him in the beginning. We can only see, smell, taste, touch what is right now and we can hear what is right now meaning Today but what we hear may refer to something that “allegedly” happened yesterday i.e. in the past or something “foretold/predicted/” PROPHESIED that will happen tomorrow i.e. in the future. There are two sides of everything that is, was and will be. There is a hidden side and a revealed side a part that you can’t see and a part that you can see. But you can KNOW all and to know all you must KNOW The One Who KNOWS who has revealed everything in Himself there is nothing hidden in Him that has not been revealed, is revealed today and will continue to be revealed until all see but the blessing comes when one who wants to KNOW believes the One who Knows without having to see. You hear God, you believe God and even if you never see, touch, taste, or smell the Word you believe the Word because you Heard, Hear and will Hear from the One who is Truth so you can Trust Him and He is Faithful, Righteous and Just meaning He keeps His Word, His Word is Right and His Word is Lawful and Holy meaning His Word is separate from any other word that could be invented, feigned, twisted, devised, schemed or planned. Unholy cannot touch Holy and Holy will destroy all that is Unholy. Who is Holy and who is Unholy? Well anything/anyone who is not Holy is Unholy that’s easy. What is Holy? Holy is before everything that is anything. Holy is separate, set apart for the plan and purpose of The One Who is Holy. The Holy One is Holy and He sets apart and separates all, every, any, thing, person, place that was, is or will be Holy. The Light is Holy. His Word is Holy and if you put that in a vessel and the vessel decides that it is greater than The Light the vessel will fall away and break into a million pieces of dust not with a bang but a whimper. And if you put The Light in a vessel not prepared to hold The Light the vessel will break into a million pieces of dust. Who can hold The Light? Genesis 39:7-12 Joseph and the mistress who tempted him supplies one of the greatest illustrations of 3 in one holiness that is recorded. Inside the room we have God, Potiphar’s wife, Joseph and the tempter God watched, Potiphar’s wife listened to the tempter and tempted Joseph and Joseph answered based on His faith in the Holiness of God and the Holiness of God’s Word. Joseph kept himself holy in 3 ways, and in doing so kept the marriage vow for even though the tempter had tempted both Joseph and Potiphar’s wife to sin or be unclean or commit an unholy act by heeding an unholy temptation. 1. Look what I have. 2. Look what I can do for and offer you 3. Look what at me and give me what I want. 1st Joseph honored the marriage bond between his temptress and her husband and stated the reason he could not break a vow made to God. This is being Holy. 2nd Joseph honored God by keeping his own body/flesh in submission to a law written upon his heart long before it was ever written upon stone by refusing self-pleasure for the moment he counted the cost and was solid upon The Rock before the trial of his faith came. This is being Holy. 3rd Joseph separated himself from the tempter. This is being Holy. Joseph left behind evidence that He was in the room but only the tempter and the tempted could say what transpired inside the room God KNEW both hearts and only One Heart had an ear to Hear Him. T The tempter story was believed based upon the evidence provided which was an article of clothing that could not speak so was it a fair witness? Joseph remained Holy and was thrown into prison holding the Truth based on God’s Word and the one who fell to the tempters temptation was left holding a garment as evidence supplied by the tempter and the tempter remained in the palace with the lie. A garment is just something that will eventually turn to dust and who eats dust? Always something hidden and something revealed…the trickster will always attempt to keep truth hidden and reveal the lie but if you’ve hidden the truth in your heart when the lie comes the truth will rise up against the lie but if you hide the lie then when truth comes the lie will rise up but will be consumed by the truth for the Truth will stamp out the Lie. Go ahead throw so more wood on the fire the viper will show its head and latch onto the hand that is fueling the fire will the viper harm you are will you shake it off? Look at it this way. Let’s say you go outside find a piece of clay, add water and spin, mold, squeeze, form and shape a vessel doesn’t matter what it looks like whether it’s large or small, tiny or fat, tall or short it’s a vessel and can hold contents of any material available that someone would want to put in the vessel whether it’s a flat plate, a hollowed bowl, cup, glass, vase, urn, churn, whatever you call it the vessel is a container meant to contain something and can hold anything but it’s still dirt/clay/ground/soil/dust etc. all of which when/if compacted form a rock, stone or a mountain of dirt in whatever form it is formed or become shaped out of or eroded into the components remain dirt. Kind of like a seed you have a seed grain and you can prepare it many ways or eat it whole such as corn which can be consumed as the whole seed or pounded into the finest flour and between the seed and the flour is a lot of meal and grit still all corn and if you put the corn seed into the ground corn will grow and corn will be what returns up from the ground and if you throw corn up corn will come down. We cannot with the naked eye look at a root just a root and identify what kind of plant something is unless we’ve studied that before and seen it over and over until we can recognize the root on sight. Most of us can’t look at a tree covered in just leaves and say what kind of tree it is unless we’ve studied trees but if the tree is bearing it’s fruit when identify the tree by the fruit. I can walk in the woods and pick up a pine cone and say with assurance a pine tree is somewhere near but I cannot tell you what kind of pine tree or conifer that is by all the scientific terms but I know someone who can because he studied trees or I could study trees and find out myself but in all actuality I would have to trust the books written by other humans and I do and never doubt the books that identity the pine tree and the pine cone because I’ve SEEN THEM they exist. What if someone just told me there was trees out there that are always green they never turn in the seasons and they produce this spiny misshaped balls or oblong cone like things that fall from them. You know what as a child I would say, “Oh please show me!” And the person telling me could say, “oh no I cannot show you but they are there.” Same thing if I saw someone pull a hunk of dirt out of the ground and show me the clump of dirt and say this is going to be a man or a dish or a cup or a plate except now my question would be not show me because I can see the dirt but I cannot see the vision of the final product the question I would pose is “HOW?” And after just about 6,000 years or so we still look to each other saying, “Show me? How?” And every person we ask has a different answer, way and method and they fight, strive and struggle for the honor of being the one who is right and knows and Our Father The Creator of the Heaven and the Earth waits for another to just call His Name and when they do He opens their eyes because they in obedience closed theirs to the world and it’s creatures and opened their ear that hears to The Creator, He Knows and He can show you all things in One Word. This little light of mine I’m gonna let HIM shine and ain’t gonna hide it under no bushel of commentaries or opinions. An adversary can NOT blow out what he did not kindle. All an adversary can do is take fire and make shadows and still the Truth prevails even from the shadows because you see an adversary starts with knowing the truth and decides to twist it not for your benefit but for the adversaries benefit and you shouldn’t take that word at face value unravel the Truth it’s deeper than the surface…You can see Him if you Listen, Hear, Trust and Obey whatever is Good is God because only God is Good and He is not some big eye that looks upon an unfinished work He began and finished His Work counting the cost before He began He paid the price and has more than enough to continue to provide for His Own FOREVER. How can we know God the Creator, Our Father, Jesus said “if you’ve seen me you’ve seen The Father” Salvation( leads you out of the wilderness into the Promised Land) speaks The Word of Truth of the Father and Salvation comes only from the One who perfectly and completely fulfilled the entire Will which is the Word of the Father. There is no way to The Father except through His Son The Word because when God spoke He Brought forth Life He breathed Life into His Word whoever Hears Him Hears The Word of the Father. His name is Jesus (Salvation). His title is Christ (The Anointed) His position Son of the Living God, Priest of the Most High God, Prophet speaking The Word of God who is The Father Creator , King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is JEHOVAH the One who Created all and the Only One who made a way to save all, and the Only One who finished it All. As it was in the beginning so shall it be at the end for He declares the end from the beginning because He is the same and does not change all anyone needs to know about Him is that He said when asked who He was He said I AM so I can have faith that He IS. He is the Subject, the Verb, and the Direct Object of His affection and Love is YOU! Your foes are the same as God’s enemies, members of His own household. Those who hear and do the will of The Father are His children. And God like any Good Parent will discipline and chasten those He Loves and ultimately as a Good parent will suffer the punishment that was due the children because He so Loved the World He Gave ALL and didn’t give up, out or over He still IS and He is very patient, kind tender hearted, longsuffering, full of mercy and his desire is that you find His Grace…He is Amazing. God emptied Heaven and filled it with Himself and Heaven is Full of His Glory Now and His Glorious One is Preparing a place for You to Come Home during which time Earth will go through a mess but in the end the Message will be that the Glory of God will fill the Earth. Nothing is hidden that is not revealed the mystery was shrouded but thank God He cast aside the shroud of death and He arose a Victor. He was born for you. He died for you. He arose for you. He ascended for you. He is coming back for the Faithful. Those who know His Voice will Hear because Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing The Word of God. The Only Word so vast and amazing that a whisper sounds like a shout to those who draw near to Him and are seated already in heavenly places by faith. I thought today of an October long ago 496 years ago today it was the Eve of the Eve of All Saint’s Day when Martin Luther would tack his thesis to the door of the church and the protesting reformation would officially be staged a protest against clerical abuses in particular and specifically the sale of indulgences. Martin Luther just a man who was fed up and wrote about it. Just a man who took a stand and where did it lead? To Halloween and Pumpkins and Costumes and Masks and Scary Creatures and Games and Carnivals and on and on ME THINKS the WORLD PROTEST TOO MUCH or IS IT NOT ENOUGH?. Who can tell? You know you can’t put a light in a pumpkin unless you cut the top off and you can’t see the light unless you leave the top off or carve the surface. Just think on that for a bit. Hallo-wed Holy Wed/Matrimony Hallo-ween Holy weaned as in putting away childish things and becoming like the Child of God you are destined to be….He sees behind every mask and curtain, every shade and shadow. ween winShow Spelled [ween] Show IPA verb (used with object), verb (used without object) Archaic. 1. to think; suppose. 2. to expect, hope, or intend. ________________________________________ Origin: before 900; Middle English wenen, Old English wēnan to expect; cognate with German wähnen to imagine, Old Norse væna, Gothic wēnjan to hope, expect What are you hoping for this Hallowed Eve? Every day that is Today is the Day the Lord made and the day of Salvation while it is yet Day. Kind of like God is saying Today HELLO are you married to Me. HELLO are you hoping in me and expecting me! Do you not remember? The Spirit and The Bride Say COME. Or have we turned a deaf ear to God and listening to the prince and power of the air that would have you wear all kinds of masks to hide that true identity He cannot stand to see because it reminds him of his position, his fall, and his destiny. And when you recognize who Hides in the garden you see the point. Snakes hide underneath the Rock...Gods Children Stand upon The Rock...take a moment and let that sink into your heart. Don’t marry into the world and it’s system. Wean yourself from worldly things and Come out of Confusion and Mixture Stand in THE LIGHT OF HIS MARVELOUS, GLORIOUS, AWESOME SPIRIT OF LIFE AND LOVE. He is Holy Worship Him. He was born for you. He died for you. He arose for you. He ascended for you. He is coming back for the Faithful. Those who know His Voice will Hear because Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing The Word of God. The Only Word so vast and amazing that a whisper sounds like a shout to those who draw near to Him and are seated already in heavenly places by faith. How then should we pray? OUR Father Who is in Heaven. Holy is Your Name Your Kingdom Come Your Will be Done On Earth As it is In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Forgive Us Our Trespasses and Debts As We Forgive those Who Trespass upon Us, Those who we become indebted to with debts we cannot pay and those we placed incredible debts upon that we ourselves could not pay nor should we expect them to be able to pay because the cost of blood shed is blood and our blood is not worthy, our names are not holy and our words are not always Truth and Life but have become a mixture of our own knowledge that brings death. Let us instead Father follow the Word and say Father Forgive Us for we don’t know what we are doing and be able to even in persecution look upward and ask that the charge not be laid upon our accusers/persecutors but instead be willing in Love to bear one another’s burdens because We have an Advocate a Defender and we know and believe that the only rightful place we can all lay our burdens down is at your feet planted firmly on a tree on a hill on that day when you said It is Finished. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. The Kingdom is Yours The Power is Yours The Glory is Yours Forever and ever is Yours Father Because You Alone Are Worthy Let all be according to Your Word and Your Will
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:33:09 +0000

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