Just passed 20K words with #NaNoWriMo! :D So thats 3306 words - TopicsExpress


Just passed 20K words with #NaNoWriMo! :D So thats 3306 words today. Not bad after such a s-l-o-w start this morning. Wanna sample? Well, heres a little something: Lord Grey snorted like a bull ready to stampede her ass into the dirt. “And so you used dark magic to strike him down? Why? Why do that to my son? From what I’ve heard of your abilities, you could have disarmed him, but instead you chose to blast him with a lightning spell?” A sharp nod, and his darkening eyes descended upon her, driving her shrinking into herself. “Don’t play games with me, witch! I know your kind have the power of lightning. I’ve seen it before, with my very own eyes! You lost control, as your kind always do if left alone and free, and you struck him down until he was dead, no doubt trying to use the storm to hide your dark deed.” She shook her head, words of denial trapped by the lump of panic stuck in her throat. Lord Grey was going to kill her. He was going to reach for his sword and cut her in two, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. “And yet you succeeded, managed to trick almost everyone here in the village. What kind of monster are you? A good man lies dead, and yet you still live?” His hand snatched for the hilt of his sword, and she flinched. Albin stepped forth and grabbed the lord’s arm. “No, my lord,” he hissed. “Not here, not like this. Remember your agreement with lord Dudic.” Lord Grey strained against Albin’s grasp, muscles writhing, until his body sagged, and his sword hand dropped to his side. Still his eyes stared at her, a calculating coldness that drove a wedge of fright deep into her soul. She was deeply afraid, terrified of the power he wielded, but still she drew up every ounce of willpower she could scavenge from her shattered nerves and fought against his stare. “It wasn’t me, I didn’t kill him. I was trying to save the villagers from the storm. Ask around if you don’t believe me. I saved many lives that day.” He stood fuming, face turning an ever increasing shade of crimson. When he exploded she recoiled away from him, only Balen’s grip on her arm preventing her from collapsing to the ground. “Damn you, my son is dead!” Balen gave her another shake. “My lord, I told you she was a tricky one. Full of twisted lies this one is, sneaky and devious.” “But I’m innocent!” Lord Grey shook his head. “Witch, I could kill you right now if I so desired. But I shall tell you thus: if you were a theow in my village, you would not be walking around as free as you are now. I’d have you regretting every dark deed you had committed.” “B-but I’m not in your village...” He paused as if to consider his words, a devious grin twisting his whole face into a snarl. Then he took a step towards her, his head lowering to her level. With a deep rumble like an iron-clad promise he mumbled, “Not yet.”
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:58:03 +0000

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