Just read a fascinating/depressing article about intellectual - TopicsExpress


Just read a fascinating/depressing article about intellectual property rights as they relate to musicians and their recordings. Of course, the MOST depressing part came in the comments section. Just one of many: A musician is not working when someone plays their music in iTunes. Thats the gaping difference between actual performance and the commercial, soulless industry we have today. Musicians jumped at the chance to be able to simply record a single performance and then sell it as a marketable product. I dont generate anything close to what could be called income from my recordings or performances, but there are actually musicians out there who eke out a living at it. For now. The blithe disregard for them (as evidenced above) is breathtaking. Is this really how little we think of our artists and musicians? Is this the mainstream attitude? I think an artist is kind of a cultural canary in the coal mine, and the regard in which he/she is held reflects the cultures condition.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:08:23 +0000

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