Just read it... Its my testimony. It could even explain my dark - TopicsExpress


Just read it... Its my testimony. It could even explain my dark poetry. 😜 Why Plexus? Why Now? I can start with the exciting stuff Ive lost at least 40 lbs. More than that, really, but I can prove 40. I am noticeably thinner/leaner/less bloated. EVERYONE is interested in weight loss. THAT is what they can SEE, but what you cant is the answer to WHY PLEXUS. Ive had noticeable signs of an auto-immune disease since at least 11 years old or the onset of puberty. I have felt off most of my life. Some of my off was physical, some mental... And, every bit of it was emotional. I have tried everything you can think of to feel better. Ive ate clean and extreme... I have used several products out there that REALLY work if you work them. I believe there are different roads for different people. When I started Plexus I was at my absolute worst point of my life. It was hands down the darkest year or more I will ever see. Im sure of it. I had gotten so sick and I was on so many different medications and with each day I needed more and more and more until one day I just sort of slipped away. To everyone around me I was just unhappy, unhealthy, poor Niki. But, to me... I was disappearing and honestly believed I would just disappear one day... It felt a lot like dementia. I wasnt just missing days, I was missing weeks. I would fall down for no reason. I couldnt put a thought together. I couldnt remember what I was talking about. I wasnt nice... To use Chloe-Beths description, I wasnt her mom. So much so, that she called me Flo when reminding me what I had done or said. The lupus was destroying my body. I struggled with sleep apnea, IBS, hypothyroidism, restless leg, fibromyalgia, insomnia. Directly followed by days... I mean, DAYS of uninterrupted sleep that left me absolutely exhausted. The worse I got the more meds I got, and, boy, was I a walking pharmacy. I started a treatment program that was suppose to help me get off of some of my medication, but came home months later... MORE medicated and laid in bed for almost two months. During that time... I drank my Plexus and took my Bio-Cleanse and Probiotic and went off ALL of my meds cold turkey. At that point, it included things like plaquenil, meloxocam, an infusion every two weeks of a drug that killed every cell indiscriminately, synthroid, a drug for Parkinsons, eight Tramadol, 4 Loritab, kalonapin, serequell 800 mg. Wellbutrin 400 mg. A BUNCH of crap... Im not even naming them all... And, frankly, I dont care if I spelled them right... The thought makes my skin crawl. What is so sad and shocking is the withdraw was no worse or better than being on all of the crap. It took at least 90 days to pull all the way through and I came out much lighter, both physically and mentally. Plexus Slim... Its a premeasured package, kinda like those Crystal Light packages. They come in a 30 day supply. It balances your glycemic index. That fixes your sugars and with proper insulin it balances your hormones. You mix it with water (stir shake) its got great stuff in it. You can do it whenever you like and you only do it once a day. I could go into detail, but instead Ill say its easy. I like it. It tastes good. I take a couple Bio-Cleanse capsules and a Probiotic 5. What is that? Well, its gut health and they are the best combos I have found. Whats gut health? Its absolutely, hands down the most important thing you can do. You can get those things in several products, but this combo works for me and I have no problem working it, because it is EASY! I havent changed ANY of my behaviors or habits for the sake of Plexus. NOT ONE! I dont eat well. I dont exercise. Most importantly, I dont stress. But, because of Plexus some of my old habits just kind of fell away. Why now, because its been over 6 months and I just keep feeling better and keep losing weight and because the members of my family that take the product are seeing the same results. I want to mention that Plexus has weight loss support. I dont take it. I dont need it. I wanted my life back. And, that is what I have. I believe in the product like Ive never believed in anything.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:56:47 +0000

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