Just read the SGP press release and it seems that power over - TopicsExpress


Just read the SGP press release and it seems that power over unconventional gas licenses (fracking) has been devolved to Scotland in the Smith Commission, yet there was no word of that in the Smith Commission press release... does anyone have any further info? The party’s co-conveners Patrick Harvie MSP and Councillor Maggie Chapman took part in the cross-party negotiations, securing agreement on proposals including devolution of fracking licenses, energy company obligations and the power to bring railways back into public ownership. Other proposals being welcomed by the Greens include: – Devolution of income tax rates, bands and revenue – Full devolution of some benefits, and the ability to top up the UK Government’s provision of reserved benefits – Additional borrowing powers – Control over Scottish elections, paving the way for votes at 16 in Holyrood and local government elections – Ability to remove MSPs to prevent a repeat of the Bill Walker situation – Powers to tackle payday loan shops – Management of Crown Estate assets On additional borrowing powers the Greens said: This could boost capital investment. To date the Scottish Government has used its revenue budget to top up capital spending, prolonging real-terms pay cuts in the public sector. On licensing of onshore oil and gas extraction: This will clarify the situation regarding fracking, coal bed methane, and other unconventional gas developments. Greens will be vocal in calling for a complete halt, and the Scottish Goverment will have to take a clearer stance. - See more at: scottishgreens.org.uk/news/smith-powers-not-all-that-was-promised-but-could-help-fight-cuts/#sthash.xDcFftgz.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:16:10 +0000

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