Just read this by a very bright young man::: Heres a crazy theory. - TopicsExpress


Just read this by a very bright young man::: Heres a crazy theory. Many white kids raised in the 50s were taught that black people were different and bad and were encouraged to avoid them. White kids viewed black people with a negativity and often taught the same values to THEIR kids. Many black kids raised in the 50s were taught that white kids would automatically treat them badly and not respect them no matter what, they often grew up teaching THEIR kids the same thing. One odd solution that probably wouldnt work (sarcasm) is this: Maybe white parents should raise their kids in a way that teaches them black people are no different from you and they deserve respect. Black parents should raise their kids in a way that teaches them white people will not automatically look down on you and they will treat you like a normal person. White parents should also teach their children that there was a time when many bigoted white people murdered thousands of black people out of racism, this makes it easy for them to feel ostracized, but most white people dont have such racist ideologies anymore. Black parents should teach their children that there have been many instances where black people have resorted to violence and vengeance instead of approaching situations in a civilized manner, so this makes white people hesitant to heed our voice, but most black people dont react that way. Both sides are guilty, both sides have arguments. Its easy to categorize and assume and HATE. We need to remember to ask ourselves in that moment: Did anytime you HATED anything ever get you anywhere? Did it ever bring a light bulb solution where you told yourself Ah this feels right, now Im at peace?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:11:28 +0000

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