Just read this it will explain itself ... (Part 3) Three - TopicsExpress


Just read this it will explain itself ... (Part 3) Three blocks, thats all it was for me to drive from the church, back over to the motel, three blocks that would change me forever. I sat in my truck, waiting in the same exact parking spot I was in Friday night staring at the motel room door, then sure as anything here he comes up the street, walks right past my truck kids in tow right into the room Id been praying over. Now what was I going to do? Call the one person I knew would and has supported me in several other situations I found myself in that most people would have simply said dont get involved, its none of your business She would never say that, so I called my wife. I updated he on the afternoons events, her response, you know what you have to do. I did, but I didnt want to. So I left. I headed out of town just as fast as I could towards, my friend and Pastors house just outside the village. I pulled in his driveway to find him and his son tossing a football around. He must have seen a look on my face that alarmed him, hes very perceptive that way, he asked whats up buddy? I had barely opened the door of the truck, I dont think I even stepped out, I started talking and then just stopped; I had nothing to say, I was convicted. I knew what God wanted me to do, I just had no idea how or why. I just told him never mind and climbed back in the truck and headed back into town. This time I pulled right up to the motel room door, I said a prayer, asking for Gods words, not mine, and clarity on what the heck I was supposed to say then went up to the door. I got out walked to the door, looked up to the sky shook my head.... and with adrenaline rushing through me like I had just robbed a bank at gunpoint I knocked on the door. It seemed like an eternity, its amazing how much the human mind is capable of thinking, in just a few short seconds. The young man opened the door. Okay, he was not what I expected at all! After the scene on the canal and seeing Norman Rockwells thoughts come to life, I was a bit surprised to see a very heavily tattooed man standing there in front of me, with his knuckle tattoos boldly proclaiming... F@&K YOU, the scene now looked more Norman Bates than Rockwell. He looked at me bewildered and with a fair bit of trepidation, as he knew he had just seen me jog past him back on the canal a while back, as I was wearing a really bright green Run for God shirt that was easy to recall. Okay, now what? I had to say something but what? I started it much the way I started this story in the beginning, Just listen to me and I pretty much told him, word for word exactly what you have read up to this point, then I had to admit, much like I am telling you now, I have no idea where this might lead, but I know after a decade plus of NOT listening to the prompting of that still small voice as I like to call it, (call it what you will; God, Holy Ghost, your conscience) I cannot, NOT listen to it anymore. I told him I knew I was being told to be involved with him for some reason, some way, so I had to/ have to do what Im led to do. I offered to take him and the kids to dinner; so I did end up feeding them just as I promised the drunk man. As it was a chilly fall day, he and I tag teamed bundling up the children for the short walk over to the restaurant. As we walked I was once again forced to see this man in a different light than the broken, tattooed man I feel he felt he was, he LOVED those three children, he cared for them, he clothed them, he made sure they we housed to the best of his ability, he kept them safe at all times, much the same way God does for anyone who allows him to, I could so easily see Gods love in this man I had to ask him, you dont know why you show so much love for your kids do you? He didnt have any idea what I meant, it was a conversation for another time. I again felt I had to tell him, I know this sounds odd, but I truly dont think people hear this enough, God loves you, you need to know that, okay? I he didnt seem to know how to take that either, but in fairness, neither did I when I first realized it. ~ God loves you; just as you are, you need to know that. But he doesnt want you to stay that way. He longs to make you complete. As he intended. ~ Jack We ate our meal, and found out a lot more about each other, delving into decisions to tattoo our knuckles with heinous word, and arms and legs with vacuum cleaners, as well as myriad of other poorly made choices and situations we often find our broken selves dealing with the consequences of later in life. I was quite content with what was happening, I really wasnt sure how to end the meal or the conversation, I felt Gods presence in a way that made me feel warm, loved, loving, it was awesome! I never want to NOT feel that again! I had been told by a friend recently that if you want people to know how much you care about them, they have to know you care about whats important to them; so I told him our church has a wonderful childrens ministry full of loving people and that I knew his kids would love it, so invited he and his girlfriend (she was working at the time) and the kids to come up to the corner of Platt and E. State St some Sunday morning at nine oclock, if they felt inclined, he said he might just do that. Then, as we walked back to the motel he asked me if I minded if I gave him my phone number. I was honored. When he called my phone number weeks later I couldnt have been more shocked or felt more helpless, thats when it became Gods story .... Once again; if you liked where this is going and want to read more of this story, like it and Ill be sure to post more of it. Please share it to if you feel so led. I truly feel God wants some of you reading this to be a part of this too. If you are tagged, you are either wittingly or un-wittingly a part of this, thats how God works. We rarely know the extent of our involvement in His will, so why not choose to be a willing participant?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:45:55 +0000

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