Just reading some of the local and national news stories. Honey - TopicsExpress


Just reading some of the local and national news stories. Honey Boo Boos mother(local news) has a relationship with a criminal and is thereby endangering her children. It is somewhat puzzling to me how some people overlook the signs of psychopathy and dangerous personalities in everyday life, yet others, like me and many others, see it plain as day. I dont think It takes someone trained in clinical psychology or criminal profiling, such as myself, to see these things. I think it simply requires that one pull ones head out of the sand, wake up and pay attention to the red flags instead of ignore them. Seriously, being complacent about and stroking the egos of those type of people is equal to being complicit in their heinous actions. There are people like this in every **hometown** (unfortunately) in America. You may not see their heinous actions-that simply means that they and their kind are skilled manipulators, skilled at covering tracks, lying and blaming the real victim(typical psychopath)...it doesnt mean that those heinous actions havent or dont occur. I sincerely hope that Child Protective Services steps up and helps Honey Boo Boo and her siblings. Any woman who has such low self respect, such poor boundaries and is so emotionally needy and lacking in her own healthy identity is obviously in need of help before she endangers herself and her children even more. These are the kind of women predators look for. There is so much child abuse, domestic violence and animal abuse that could be prevented if this toxic cycle was broken.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:36:53 +0000

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