Just received another spam e-mail from Mark Kelly (ex astronaut) - TopicsExpress


Just received another spam e-mail from Mark Kelly (ex astronaut) and Gabby Giffords (ex legislator) hawking for more funds for their anti-freedom, anti-gun campaign. While I know my response will go into the digital dumpster at their headquarters, I figured Id share it here: Mark, You should be ashamed of yourself for exploiting your well-meaning, but mentally challenged wife in this way. Her recent appearances give the impression of a confused, tired, but loyal wife – who should be treated with care and compassion, rather than trotting her around like some anti-gun trophy. Your egotistical quest for celebrity status, using your wife as your main attraction, is beyond shameful – it’s the same twisted tactic used by Sarah Brady in parading her disabled husband around for the purpose of disarming honest American citizens on the basis of the actions of a criminal. Your tirade about the “deep pockets” of the gun lobby is a lie, pure and simple. The “pockets” of the NRA are broad – but not deep. Contributions of $20-30 each from millions of hard working Americans truly represent the grass roots efforts of the core of this country. When you have billionaires like Bloomberg, Gates, Ballmer and the like writing checks for hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars at a time, how can you claim – honestly – to be a grass roots effort? Take a look at the gun control rallies sponsored by your group and others - attended by a handful of tired moms, and frequently homeless people bused in with the promise of money or a hot meal. Contrast that with the vibrant attendance at pro-freedom rallies, where folks of all colors, races, and creeds gather to promote a single concept - freedom of choice in the manner in which they can protect themselves. You’re supposed to be an ex-military patriot. Didn’t “Honor” mean anything to you in the military? Or was that trait easily cast aside – as you did with the “honor” portion of your wedding vows – in your quest to gain fame and celebrity as an anti-freedom mouthpiece for the jet set? Your efforts to disarm America will ultimately fail. Freedom-loving Americans don’t take kindly to rich people in Ivory towers telling them what to do – particularly from remote locations many states – or oceans – away. Your wealthy benefactors consider the core of the United States, the so-called “flyover country”, as if it was an inconvenient ocean they need to cross to get where their like-minded breathern live. Perhaps that ocean analogy isnt so far off - if King George III was still around, you might ask him about raising the ire of an armed populace. In short – go back from whence you came. You don’t represent the interests of any intelligent American. The “support” you receive is from the easily-duped people that actually believe your fabrications and prevarications. If you honestly think your anti-gun measures will reduce crime to any significant degree – then one really needs to explore who IS the mentally challenged member of your family. Best Regards, Mike Lubrecht
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:49:16 +0000

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