Just received this PM from Nick Xenophon. My answer follows - TopicsExpress


Just received this PM from Nick Xenophon. My answer follows directly after it Dear George. Thanks for your message to Nick regarding your concerns about the Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment (Resolving the Asylum Legacy Caseload) Bill 2014. I have passed your concerns on to Nick and his senior advisors. Nick has said that there are a number of measures contained in this bill that he is not comfortable with, but if not acted upon the 30,000 people currently awaiting processing will continue to be left in limbo. The other real risk is that if the bill doesn’t pass the government will use a non-statutory process instead, which will not result in any better outcomes for the people who are currently in Australia. Nick’s vote for this bill was conditional on the changes put forward by both himself and the Palmer United Party. These include increasing the humanitarian intake by 7,500 places and extending work rights to 25,000 people on bridging visas, amongst others. Nick believes the passing of this legislation should not signify the end of this debate, and he, along with others, will continue to push for improvements, and for a higher humanitarian and refugee intake. You can view Nick’s speech, further outlining his position on this issue for your reference here: parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;query=migration%20Dataset%3Ahansardr,hansards,hansardr80,hansards80%20((SpeakerId%3A8IV));rec=1;resCount=Default. Regards, Office of NX ParlInfo - BILLS : Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment (Resolving the Asylum... parlinfo.aph.gov.au My answer to that: Thank you for your response but I find that the reasons you gave are, so far as the refugees who are imprisoned in arguably some of the worse prisons found in the developed countries, nothing more than excuses and very inadequate at that; but they do serve as excuses for giving that brutal and heartless monster, Morrison the approval to become the unmitigated and severest dictator over the most wretched of lives; lives that are asking from us nothing of any significance to us but of huge existential significance to them. And they are inadequate excuses, if they are Nicks genuine feelings on this subject. From Nick, I had hoped for logic, reason and compassion rather than feeble excuses to accommodate a dreadful error of judgment and a sleazy con by Morrison to succumb to a blackmail of the most appalling moral order. The treatment of these poor wretches under Morrisons hateful charge shames us all and torments those of us who have even the faintest hint of repugnance towards harsh treatment of the weak and vulnerable, particularly where the opposite is not only what is necessary but also humane and, as well, much easier in any case. I would have been the first to vote for his inspirational party (NXP) had he not voted this way. As it is I find this inspiration of his to be another indication of delusional self importance.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:38:46 +0000

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