Just received this email regarding the spikes against homeless - TopicsExpress


Just received this email regarding the spikes against homeless people. Nicola -- We have hit 100,000 signatures on the petition!!! To all the people who have signed, tweeted, shared and generally continued this well overdue conversation – thank you all so much for your incredible support! You are amazing! We have had some fantastic media coverage of the petition across country and around the world leading to international discussion about how we treat the most vulnerable people in society. The Mayor of London, Boris John, has spoken out against the spikes saying they were ugly, self defeating and stupid. Developer should remove them ASAP. Let’s urge him to act on his words and meet with the property developers so that the spikes are removed. This is our capital and Boris is the Mayor, he has the power to influence. Please email Boris Johnson now urging him to meet with the developers of 118 Southwark Bridge Road, SE1. You can use the points below to write your email. Please continue to fight this inhumane attack against our most vulnerable. Thank you for your support. Harriet -- Suggestions for email to Boris Johnson -- The spikes are not the answer to solving homelessness – Boris and City Hall have been doing good things to get to the root cause of the problem such as schemes like No Second Night Out. We should not allow developers to ruin this. Over 100,000 people have signed change.org/nohomelessspikes calling for the removal of the spikes, including Londoners who do not want to see their capital resort to barbaric measures that are driving the problem underground. We urge Boris to meet with the developers Property Partners, who have kept very quiet on this so far. As Mayor of London he has the power to influence the developers into removing the spikes. This email was sent by Change.org to [email protected]. You can edit your email preferences or unsubscribe from Change.org emails. Start a petition on Change.org Mailing Address: 548 Market St #29993 · San Francisco, CA 94104-5401 · USA
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 17:17:38 +0000

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