Just recently I was aghast as I heard a prominent ‘Health and - TopicsExpress


Just recently I was aghast as I heard a prominent ‘Health and Wealth’ preacher by the name of Myles Munroe say, “Prayer is man giving God permission or license to interfere in earth’s affairs. Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.” As he spoke these words to fellow Prosperity Gospel minister Benny Hinn, Munroe received a glowing round of applause from an attentive audience. He went on to point out how God can do nothing on earth without a human giving him access and that the Lord can only do what we allow Him to. Needless to say, I nearly had a heart-attack! Where on earth does anyone get the idea that God somehow needs our permission? Is that how pathetic and puny the deity of the ‘Name It and Claim It’ Gospel has become? This is anon-God and non-Lord. It’s a modern day idol made in the image and likeness of contemporary man. I’m sorry to be the one to break you this news: but God doesn’t need you! His Kingdom doesn’t depend upon you! If God wants to do a thing; who- oh who- will stop Him in His tracks? What could ever prevail against the decrees of the Omnipotent One? Answer: no-one and nothing! God is God. The Lord is the Lord. There is not another like Him. Your permission (or lack of it) is as dirt before Him. Did Adam give permission to God to create him? Did Lot’s wife give permission to God to turn her into a pillar of salt? Did Pharaoh give God permission to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt? On another point, prayer has nothing to do with man “giving God permission.” It’s the exact opposite. Prayer is the place where God allows man to have communion with Him.The sovereign One in prayer is God and not the one who prays. At any rate, it baffles me as to why anyone would think of praying to a being that was less than divine (as the God of the ‘Health and Wealth’ Gospel evidently is). As a general rule, the bigger you see yourself to be; the smaller you see your god to be. That’s why I love feeling small and weak and fragile and broken. Because that way I can rely upon a wholly sovereign and sufficient Saviour! In my weakness, His power is perfected (2 Corinthians 12:9). I believe as the followers of Christ we must grow jealous for the glory of the Lord and denounce anyone or any doctrine that dares to belittle or un-god Him in any way. It would be a wonderful time to dig back into the Bible to taste the great doctrines of God’s magnificent attributes. And His sole sovereignty would be a mighty good starting point. Will Graham
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:56:05 +0000

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