Just reflecting on yesterday, easily the most eventful New Years - TopicsExpress


Just reflecting on yesterday, easily the most eventful New Years Eve of my life. So much happened, if we made a movie of it youd probably be incredulous. But I came away with a few thoughts that all built up to fighting back a tear or two at midnight. I just want to share a few of those, if for no other reason to give myself something to look back on when I unavoidably lose perspective from time to time in 2015... 1. We laid my Godmother/Aunt Pat to rest. She was one of those rare people that simply made the world a better place. I dont say that to be patronizing, but she was the real deal- loving, kind, welcoming, smiling and just made other people want to be better people. And it worked, which leads me to... 2. I have an amazing family. Not just my immediate family, but my extended family as well-- cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Like I presume happens in a lot of families, we drift apart day to day, but when someones life is changing (ie Weddings and Funerals), we come together. But this family is just filled with exceptional people who do it without missing a beat- the laughs, the tears and more. Im not sure how or why the drifting happens, or if it is or was avoidable, but I still feel blessed to call this group family and cherish the times we do spend together. 3. The funeral procession took us past the point where my dad had his fatal car accident 41 years earlier in the same month. While I always, kiss my hand an touch the roof of my car when I pass the spot, it was extra special yesterday knowing he was looking down on us with Aunt Pat, who just happened to be one of his own favorite people and best friends as I understand it. 4. I wont go into too much detail, but during the post-services luncheon, we had a medical emergency that was easily the scariest moment of 2014 for me. All turned out ok, thank God. A major Thank You to the Mehlville Firefighters and EMS who arrived in what felt like seconds to do what they do so well. 5. I have an amazing group of friends. From those who were able to ring in the New Year with me, to those who text or called, to the ones I see on here. If youre reading this, thanks for being a part of and contributing to this never-ending adventure and learning experience I wake up to each day. I hope in some way I add as much to your world as you do to mine. 6. This Supermans kryptonite is saying goodbye. Yesterday was a reminder of that. You wanna peel the layers of me back and see me raw, exposed, emotional and letting it all hang out? Just make me say goodbye and watch. Im simply not good at it. And truthfully, I dont think I ever want to be good at it. Not that I enjoy the feeling, I dont. But Id hate the feeling of not being emotionally honest with myself more. 7. While Ive had some awesome midnight kisses over the years, my first kiss 2015 was perfect. Shes the most amazing woman Ive ever met, so why not, right? It was just a small peck, but as I thought back over the events of the day and everything in my life that led up to that moment, I felt the tears trying to come out. Tears of happiness, sadness, loss, humility and joy. I kept them hidden for the most part, but they were there. Just a overwhelming emotional moment internally. And there was a time where Id have been ashamed to say this, but not now, not today... I want to thank her publicly: I love you, Mom. :) Have a great 2015, friends.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:10:12 +0000

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