Just reposting this so all new members can see/hear: - TopicsExpress


Just reposting this so all new members can see/hear: https://youtube/watch?v=nDqU0U_hj34 During this staff meeting all of the employees brought their concerns and issues up to Stephanie. Most of her statements were lies and half-truths. The staff members present at this meeting (and whose voices can be heard) are the Operations Manager, the Adoption Coordinator, the Volunteer Coordinator, the Vet Technician, the Vet, and three Kennel Technicians. Since this meeting, all of these employees (except for one) have either been fired, asked to resign, or simply quit. The recording is nearly an hour long, but I encourage you to listen to it. Feel free to skip ahead to these timestamps: 2.36 – Stephanie claims that Sarah Smith has more experience with the animal shelter than she does. 3.05 – (Kennel tech) asks about Sarah Smith’s qualifications. Stephanie claims Sarah Smith is a vet tech (false) and has been “trained in the military” (also false). 6.24 - Stephanie is asked if she and Sarah Smith are the only ones who have access to the PayPal account that receives donations and also the adoption fees. 7.13 - Stephanie is made aware that Sarah Smith asked the Adoption Coordinator to lie and cover up about the Parvo outbreak at the shelter, which resulted in the death of a puppy. (At this time Stephanie was presented with Facebook chat logs between Sarah and the Adoptions Coordinator). 11.16 – The Operations Manager states that there are a lot of half-truths and lies on our Facebook page that the OSPCA is being called out on. 12.32 – Stephanie states that the shelter will be moving in 3-4 months. 14.20 – Stephanie is asked where the new shelter is located. She states that there are two potential locations and that the exact location is being finalized. A follow up question is asked about the location and if its whereabouts will be known next week, Stephanie replies “Yes.” 16.19 – Stephanie is asked about the generator, which is in violation of the lease with Aloha Petroleum. She states that an “electrical inspector” came by and inspected it and that the OSPCA “passed” and later she states it was a fire inspector. [A week from this statement, an OSHA inspector would visit the premises and cite this generator and flexible extension cords as a serious violation. These violations are noted in the OSHA citation 976933.] 18.13 – Stephanie is asked about the HIOSH complaint from 2013, which was not posted anywhere in the shelter and which no current employees had any knowledge of. Stephanie also states that she will post her reply to the HIOSH complaint the following day. [This never occurred, and the HIOSH complaint has since been removed by Stephanie, which is illegal.] 19.10 – Stephanie claims the HIOSH complaint was posted for employees to read, however the Operations manager refutes her claim and states that he (along with all of the current employees) where not made aware of it. 21.42 – Stephanie states that Dr. Masters will be the new shelter director and that he will start June 7. [This was untrue. Dr. Masters is not the shelter director and is not working for the OSPCA any longer.] 28.24 – The Kennel tech states that multiple paychecks have been returned due to insufficient funds. [All of the other employees experienced this as well]. Stephanie claimed this was because she couldn’t get online and she had to change the account status. 29.06 – Stephanie is asked about the OSPCA’s budget and what funds are specifically earmarked for what purposes. 32.42 – The Operations Manager asks if Dr. Masters (who is supposed to be the new director) has ever had marks against his record. Stephanie says yes. 33.47 – The Operations manager addresses the fact that Sarah Smith pays herself out of the PayPal account that receives donations. Stephanie claims Sarah Smith is an independent contractor. 35.45 – Stephanie states that Sarah Smith is allowed to pay herself out of the PayPal account because she lives in the Netherlands and it would take too long for a paycheck to reach her. 36.13 – Stephanie admits that Sarah Smith pulls money out of the PayPal account herself (instead of receiving a paycheck), when the funds are available. 36.30- Operations Manager states that less than two months prior he deposited a check for $40,000 that was donated to the OSPCA, but yet that account does not have money in it and paychecks are now bouncing. 36.58 – Stephanie claims that the money garnished from the OSPCA’s account in March (near $13,000) was due to a volunteer suing for wages. She later states this was an employee. 38.36 – Stephanie states that her husband, David Ryan (who is listed as the OSPCA treasurer) was only brought on to help build the shelter and will leave the Board of Directors when the new shelter is complete. 40.47 – Stephanie is asked about the HIOSH complaint, which mentions extension cords that are run throughout the building to supply electricity. She states that the HIOSH complaint was due to vandalized wires. [This is untrue because the flexible cords are still running along the ground at the shelter and have since been cited by OSHA as a serious violation in OSHA citation 976933] 42.54- The Operations Manager addresses the fact that most of the donations go towards paying off late fees on bills, lawsuits, etc. and not directly to animal care. 43.25 – Stephanie claims that she told Nancy Bernal, a Board member that the bills were being paid off. This conflicts with what Nancy Bernal told staff members. Nancy stated to multiple staff members that Stephanie told her that the Waipahu Waikele vet bill was paid off in full, which is completely untrue. 45.20- Operations Manager addresses the fact that none of the heartworm positive animals are being treated for their heartworms. Their medical records have never listed any such treatments for heartworms. 46.15 – Stephanie states that the audit will be put up on their website. 51.58 – Stephanie claims that the Oahu SPCA is the only no-kill shelter in Hawaii. 52.17- Stephanie claims that Dr. Kaia and Dr. Oko (possible misspelling) would be sponsoring Dr. Masters so that he could operate in Hawaii without a Hawaiin Veterinary license. (This turned out to be false as well. Dr. Lam sponsored Dr. Masters during the June spay/neuter clinic at the OSPCA. Dr. Kaia and Dr. Oko were never asked to sponsor.)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:17:56 +0000

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