Just saw a post with an interesting play on words: Halal is the - TopicsExpress


Just saw a post with an interesting play on words: Halal is the new Profit of Islam Now Im thinking someone would make million$ selling little bottles of bacon grease to counteract the whole Halal status of certain foods. They can call it M.R. Piggy Juice (Muslim Repellent Piggy Juice). I want royalties. Might sound harsh, but... No, they do not worship the same god. Despite what Oprah says, there is only 1 path to God and that is Jesus Christ. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... detests a lying tongue, sent His Son as a rescuer to all so that humanity might be reconciled to the Father... whereas Allah and his pedophile prophet encourage deception and conquering anyone who chooses not to believe. Sharia Law has no place in America. Christians and Jews arent beheading anyone, least of all innocent people with no direct ties to any war or conflict. ISIS, Al Qaeda , Iran and their belief in the beloved 12th Imam ( aka the Anti-Christ of the Bible) ... all killing and/or threatening to kill Jews and anyone else who stands in their way. American Muslims complaining that they have to constantly condemn the violent acts of terrorists yet I havent heard them even begin to condemn terrorism nearly loud enough! . France is paying the price for their political correctness. Britain is learning the same lesson. How far will America fall because she wants to seem tolerant of anything and everything Except the Judeo Christian values upon which the nation was founded? Oh, you say the founding fathers were merely deists that wanted 100% secular society? Why then would these men use government funds to purchase Bibles for the schoolhouses of America? Why then would these men hold prayer services in the Capital Building?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:00:05 +0000

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