Just saw an article on national collective expressly arguing for - TopicsExpress


Just saw an article on national collective expressly arguing for the YES movement to demobilise, and abandon a fight for Home Rule, as our obvious next step, instead to support general UK wide smug progressive causes. Nearly 1550 likes. If it were possible to achieve commonweal on a UK basis, there would not have been a referendum. I consider articles such as this to be divisive backstabbing, from those who have the luxury of not experiencing austerity. In my immediate neighbourhood hundreds of families are only surviving because of aid agencies relief efforts. This is an existential fight. How dare some luvvy twatter out why dont you just vote Labour and join CND? This is morally repugnant. We cannot be put back in the box by those who purported to be on our side, but having lost just one plebiscite by a little over 5% now tell us to concentrate on joining the liberal smug elite and fighting for another AV vote or go on the odd ban the bomb march. Seeing such shallow posture politics explains everything that is wrong with giving luvvies a platform to speak on behalf of a movement for democracy, liberty, commonweal and secure autonomy. The stakes are too high for posers. It might be uncool for the likes of Mr Demobilise, but we are going nowhere, because we have nowhere else to go. And if Mr Demobilise and his cohorts was any good, hed have won more of that AB vote and the beezer schemes to a YES. We did our bit, and were going to keep doing our bit. Mr Demobilise needs put back in his box.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:12:33 +0000

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