Just saw something today that broke my heart. Was in City Hall - TopicsExpress


Just saw something today that broke my heart. Was in City Hall just now, when I walked past a _very_ hunchbacked middle aged uncle staggering along the pavement. He was gripping a stash of tissue packets in one hand and dragging a big plastic Watsons bag filled with tissue packets on the pavement with his other hand. But what was pitiful (and I dont use this word lightly) was how he kept spilling tissue packet after packet onto the ground, but he still lurched on, not caring. So many tissue packets being scattered along the ground... I dont know how to describe the heartache. A kindhearted young Indian lady was strolling with her friend and saw all the packets. She quickly gathered up what packets she could get, and so did I, and we both crossed the road after him to see how he was. But he was very adamant, waving us always, telling us that its ok. So we decided to leave him alone and cross back. But as we were waiting, we couldnt help noticing the old uncle still lurching around, trying to sell tissue paper while his goods were being spilled all across the ground. Plus he smelled like he hadnt showered for days. It was just plain pitiful. And I think the uncle was very sensitive about his condition, and thats why he still kept asking us to go away and not help him. I asked the lady, Do you have any idea how to help him? She didnt know what to do too. So after being scolded by the uncle, she went off, looking back all the while in deep compassion. For me... as I looked at the man from afar, I asked the Lord, What shall I do? And I think He said, Be persistent. Looking at him, something just snapped in my heart and tears came, and I just walked over again. I mean... Its just so terrible to see what has happened to this man - unwell in body, ill in mind, and sick in heart because of shame and anger and frustration because he didnt want to be seen as a pity case... And yet his very insistence on doing it all on his own was only causing him to look even more undignified. Just felt so upset and moved. What a terrible work the devil has wrought here, breaking the uncles body and mind and heart to such a degrading state. So offered to pray for the uncles body, telling him that Im a Christian, but he refused, because he said hes of another religion and prays every day. Heartache. Wanted to tell him that Jesus can heal him, but he was very adamant, so decided not to press him. Have to respect his decision. Heartache indeed, to see him so bound up in body indeed... How the Lord wants to set so many of us free from our bondages and afflictions. He is the one who can lift the heavy yoke of oppression from our shoulders - even physically, just like how Jesus declared to a Jewish woman physically bent over because of demonic bondage for 18 years that she was set free... and she stood up straight on the very spot! Sigh. I couldnt talk much with him - but no doubt there are many kind-hearted people who saw and buy tissue paper from him. Did try to advise him to at least stand still in one spot and not go all around and scatter his tissue... but he just asked me to go away. Sigh. Dear bros & sisters, if you find him around in City Hall, do pray for him to be healed and delivered physically and mentally too... our God is full of compassion indeed and is fully able to heal him. For the good news of the kingdom of God is more than just about helping the poor or even healing the broken-hearted. It is about proclaiming freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners... not only those bound by slave-traders, but also those bound by all sorts of oppressions too, whether physical, or mental, or spiritual, etc. Let freedom ring, through God our King!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:46:26 +0000

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