Just saw the new black cast of Cinderella on Broadway and it - TopicsExpress


Just saw the new black cast of Cinderella on Broadway and it dawned on me, this country is not teaching us to intermingle with one another but to either be this or that . Each race is trying to overtake the other. Look at the appointees by our president to just about every position that has come open since he has been president. How many Caucasians were appointed that werent already in office? Oh, sure, he appointed one or two Latino people so he could retain their vote and it worked. But let us open our eyes.What all races need to remember is that we are all children under God and if you do not like they way that your ancestors were treated or, on the other hand, the legacy they left, do not try to repeat history with a different race. Let me put it bluntly. You are trying to take over and put others in bondage. Just look at congress. None of them can say boo without it being racist. People are afraid to say anything to minority employees for fear of being sued when in reality lazy and nonprofitable is the same no matter which color you are. Where is the United Caucasian College Fund? Where is the NAAWP? Where are the all white Grammys? If you look at what is going on. Our President, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, your leaders..........are all by far the most racist people that have walked the earth. And they are evil. They have brainwashed you to think the white man is the one causing the problem. Look past the wrapper and you will find. A turd is a turd whether it is in a brown paper bag or a white one. If we could get this country back to biblical teaching we would realize. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free.....in Gods eyes we are all on the same playing field. If you wonder if I am racist I will let you know I am married to a naturalized American citizen that is from Mexico. She and her parents spent countless hours in lines and a lot of money to make sure that she was a legal American. and I also spend 99.9% of my life as a minister in a church that is 99.9% minorities. But I do not see them by their color. I see them as the family that God was kind enough to put me in. So, before you attack, you must realize who I am.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:15:24 +0000

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