Just say he lunged at you or tried to take your gun! Do you see - TopicsExpress


Just say he lunged at you or tried to take your gun! Do you see the pattern yet? Or is it too uncomfortable to talk about? See, the problem is 2-fold. On one hand we have the problem of systematic racism. Wherein potentially good people ACTUALLY believe that Blacks and Latinos are more prone to violence. Some of you reading this actually believe that. And its not your fault. Because youre dumb. And youre a follower. You ingest content and media without question. Without realizing that the creators of this content and media went to GREAT schools to figure out how to manipulate your mind so you buy more things that you dont need. This is what I went to school for. Which is why I know how to protect my mind from attacks. Every ad, every popup, every sponsored story...theyre all designed specifically to make you an idiot. Because idiots spend money and are easy to control. Especially when those idiots hate each other. Moving on... On the other hand, we have a serious problem with police brutality. More American citizens are killed by our own protectors than by ANY terrorists. Youre being desensitized. Slowly you will believe every person killed by police deserved it...until its YOUR relative. Every time this happens, that idiot inside of you says, well he shouldnt have been resisting. Really? Our own lovely government that protects the police force is the same government that has been caught MULTIPLE times spying on you, lying to you, stealing from you (in the form of tax hikes to compensate for tax cuts for wealthier households), destroying our planet with spills, and killing human beings all over the planet with false flag attacks all in an attempt to grow the American Empire. When an officer says he was resisting or he attempted to take my gun who holds them accountable? Who watches them? Who keeps them honest? WE SHOULD. Youre too dumb for research so Ill do it for you... After cameras were introduced in February 2012, public complaints against officers plunged 88% compared with the previous 12 months. Officers use of force fell by 60%. - The Guardian (California) Ill leave you with that. Oh, Happy Monday :)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:49:32 +0000

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