Just seen this comment on a #RoyalMarines recruitment story and - TopicsExpress


Just seen this comment on a #RoyalMarines recruitment story and though it was brilliant Just to add... It was a sponsored story forced on to peoples news feeds. The people commenting in opposition didnt go looking for the post to argue; it came to them I dunno what the links are as I havent clicked them yet but the comment itself is legit IMO How are you supporting troops by agreeing its ok to be sent thousands of miles from home to fight a bankers war?? If you really gave a shit about them as you claim, you would be fighting to get them home not begging to recruit more helpless young kids to go an murder and die for nothing ----------------- SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! > Maybe the Best Way to honor the fallen... would be to find more ways to NOT send others to join them. Right now we have tens of thousands of troops whove been deployed overseas who are risking their lives standing guard over Afghani poppy/heroin crops.. Anyone who thinks that this is in order to protect our freedoms is mindlessly echoing a ridiculous, and despicable lie.. If you care about our troops, stop rallying to send them off to senseless, corrupt banker/oil/ drug wars, and instead bring them home to their families.. If you really want to support them, demand that our corrupt government stops using them like cannon fodder to prop and protect the oil/banking/ drug/military industrial complex! War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other youtube/watch?v=kWBmGA-SgnA&guid=&hl=en-GB&client=mv-google&gl=GB#watch_actionsœ KS vid even soldiers are waking up to the new world order https://facebook/photo.php?v=3330528679694&set=vb.422048874529740&type=3&theater #Iraq #Afghanistan #Terrorism #BritishArmy #UK #UK
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:49:31 +0000

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