Just sent out an email to my subscribers unlike one Ive ever - TopicsExpress


Just sent out an email to my subscribers unlike one Ive ever written before. Thought it could inspire some of you! (Sorry for poor formatting) Subject: Why Im Holding My First Live SEO Event & How This Will Change Your Life Email: So today Ive got something a little different for you. Today Im telling you a story about how a mastermind I just attended last weekend has changed my life forever and why Ive decided to hold my own live SEO event to do the same for you. Kick back, relax & cozy up with this email because this story is going to open your eyes to all the possibilities youre missing out on So believe it or not Im a lot like you. For the past few months Ive been a little lost with my business. Ive always made good money with the type of SEO Ive been doing, right? But I also have been messing around with a new business model thats been making me around $50,000/month Now heres the problem, Im not used to change and Im actually pretty scared of it. I want to pursue the new business but I also want to stick with the life I have now because what if I fail, what if it didnt work out, I dont want to leave my websites behind. These are typical feelings and Im sure you experience the same feelings all the time, especially with your online business. I didnt know what to do and it was really stressing me out, so I bought a ticket to Alex Beckers charity mastermind last weekend in Dallas, Texas. I thought what the heck Alex is a great guy, helps tons of people & weve been friends for years now. Lets see what he has to say about my business. See I knew this business has potential for me just like SEO may have potential to you. I just didnt know where to start and what moves to make to get started. As you may know, jumping in head first not knowing if itll work or not is a terrifying idea. But what happened at this event changed my life for two reasons and Ill get to those in just a second. See, what I didnt know about these live SEO events is that not only do you get great content. But you bond with people and make connections you never knew were possible. So what are these two things that changed my life at this event? I met a lot of great people some of them salesman and some SEOs. Not only do I feel very close to them even though we only spent two days together. But I truly bonded with them, here I am in a room full of people with similar mindsets who want the same exact thing. The best part is were all willing to do it and go after the success and thats why we were all there at that event. I heard exactly what I needed to hear to get my ass up and get that business Ive been telling you about started. You see its funny... We all know deep inside that yes there is money to be made here and YES we can do it. But for some reason we always hold ourselves back and thats because of the fear of failure. Thats why the saying the only thing to fear is fear itself resonates with me so much lately. Fast forward about two weeks to today when Im writing this email and Ive already got my website ready for my new business and my first client that is probably going to pay me a six figure sum for one month of work. All because of what I learned at that mastermind that weekend I spent with the people I now call close friends. The fact that everyone was there to further their business and were all willing to help each other inspired me to take the plunge and get started with my business Now this brings me to why I decided to hold my own SEO event So if you havent heard yet, at the end of January 2015 Ill be holding my first ever live SEO event and we hope to have a lot of great SEOs here to watch (that means you) While I was in Dallas I watched Alex Becker & Kotton Grammer teach us the ins and outs of SEO & wow did it blow my mind. They revealed a lot of what is in their upcoming product Source Phoenix Now, I also the way their information effected those who were at the event to learn primarily about SEO (by the way if you went to that event and youre reading this email Im so proud of you guys) The things Becker & Kotton said left them feeling refreshed and excited, they now knew EXACTLY what they needed to do to take their SEO business to the next level and get exactly what they wanted Keep in mind both Becker & Kotton make over 7 figures a year just from SEO and they were giving away some of their best information. After seeing how Becker & Kotton had effected these peoples lives and knowing that the same exact thing happened to me that weekend it was settled... I knew I had to hold a live event of my own and do the same for you. Therefore I talked to Becker, I asked him if he wanted to come speak at my live SEO event and the SEO Showdown was born. If anything I said above hits home for you, if youre scared to make that leap and concrete your presence in SEO and your freedom lifestyle this is the step that did it for me. We are going to help you change your life, your business and get you the life you want So heres what Ive done for you Ive setup a FREE live training for you with Alex Becker & Kotton Grammer on November 2nd @ 3 pm EST (Click here to sign up) Weve also made it possible to get two FREE tickets to our live event if you purchase Source Phoenix through us on November 3rd (Click Here To Get Your Free Tickets) We have great speakers lined up for you that include; Alex Becker, Kotton Grammer, Gregory Ortiz, David Abrams, Wyatt Jozwowski, Stephen Floyd, myself & more. This is the FIRST event of its kind and I know we can change your life just like mine was recently in Dallas. Please respond to this email DIRECTLY and let me know what you think and tell me if youre going to join us here in Tampa, FL I look forward to seeing you live, click the link below to join us money-mindset.net/Live-Event Cheers, Devin Zander
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:24:45 +0000

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