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Just sent this email round: This Email IS NOT SPAM, If You Are Receiving This You Have Donated To Me In The Past Or Purchased A product Off The Website Before. I Am Saying both a Big THANK YOU & PLEASE HEEELP! Following the American Freedom Radio collapse in late 2013 Ive been trying to run my show independently by uploading broadcasts to my website and youtube channel, I found this was much more difficult than anticipated and burnt myself out after the first few months and have been unable to produce the weekly volume of shows since, After the deletion of my youtube channel the Adsense revenue that was supporting my efforts vanished instantly and this has left a massive shortfall in the weekly bills, On top of that our washing machine that we recently purchased blew up outside of warranty and we couldnt afford to fix it, so my wife has been traveling to my sisters place every few days to do the washing and its very difficult for her especially because she was just loaned over $1000 from her parents to fix a Diesel pump on her van she uses for gardening work and just 2 weeks later it sprung an unrelated oil leak that will cost roughly $4000 to fix, over twice the price we bought the van for originally! Ive been helping her by volunteering once a week to help with big jobs to support her business. I put off asking for help for months and even now I feel ashamed to ask because had I done so earlier the situation may not have been so dire. In the wake of these events it has taken a massive toll on me and forced me to rethink my position from mostly being on camera & behind the mic to behind the scenes operating the board and helping others who did not have the great luck I had to be picked up by an incredible producer and amazing network. 1 I will be returning to live radio soon to do a show once per week (to begin with) on Revolution Radio freedomslips 2 Started producing new radio shows hosted by Kiwis, Paul Carruthers and Ben Vidgen are the first and there will be more shows added to the catalogue as time goes on from multiple spectrums of political discourse and analysis from top kiwi activists that are both brilliant and too honest on the issues for mainstream media to give them a job or interview fairly. The goal is to train up and produce NZ activists to make their own radio shows, schedule their own guests, build their own websites and generate revenue so that they can replace me and no longer need me to hold the fort of honest talk radio in New Zealand by myself. This will take a significant time investment as it took me 2 years on American Freedom Radio with an international audience and a 5 day per week show to gain enough revenue from listeners to cover my half of the household bills, not to mention all the equipment that has been donated over the years that has allowed me to increase the standard of quality. 3 Starting to produce independent New Zealand musicians and teaching them how to record/edit/publish their own music using my studio, gear & editing tutorage. My first was last week with a young Anti-New World Order Female Rapper Kazey Bee who had never seen an editing program before and came to me with a half finished song, I helped her come up with lyrics to complete the song and taught her how to do everything she needed to know and completed her first ever song within 1 afternoon. 4 Writing scripts for a few documentaries that need to be made, starting with A Key Asset Exposing NZ Prime Minister John Key as a henchmen of the international elite and banking cartel, how the false left/right paradigm is a truly international phenomenon and how the template works so that it can be applied and made relevant to most leaders globally. 5 Audio book narration of Totalitaria the new book by one of New Zealands top journalists Ian Wishart who has given me permission to create the audio book version for him, I think this is one of the most important books to be released in recent history with biting wit, infallible research and global implications. The thing about activists & honest journalists is they find it difficult to ask for help, often it takes someone that is trustworthy, skilled & reputable to offer assistance before they will accept any. Ive always strived to do what I think is best for my country, my people and the world without asking for money beforehand, Prefer to start helping the movement immediately when its needed and I merely ask for support to continue when I desperately need it. What Im really asking for is the good people of this planet to pay my living costs so that I might spend my life serving those whose self sacrifice has already produced self evident benefits, but merely need help to amplify their voices and efforts. There are multiple ways to contribute, 1 Send direct paypal donations to guerillamedia77@gmail 2 Donate or subscribe to donate on a monthly basis through the paypal buttons on the home page thevinnyeastwoodshow 3 Donate or subscribe to donate on a monthly basis through Kiwibank :38-9010-0455296-00 Name: GUERILLA MEDIA 4 Enclose cash of any currency in a birthday card and mail it, Email me for address guerillamrnews@gmail 5 Donate a washing machine 6 Donate a van that can be used for both gardening jobs & protests Im hoping for support in the region of 5 thousand dollars excluding regular monthly payments Your contributions will be spent on: 1 The cost of living ie rent/power/internet & phone/food/fuel 2 A new Van 3 A new washing machine You have my sincere thanks and gratitude for all your support, past present and future, I only hope that I can contribute something to ensure that all of us actually have a future we can look forward to, One with an informed population, a technologically advanced highly skilled alternative media with funding provided by ordinary people of conscience like you.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:54:36 +0000

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