Just sharing. FYI. Today is Phra Phroms Birthday Phra Phrom - TopicsExpress


Just sharing. FYI. Today is Phra Phroms Birthday Phra Phrom is depicted as a deity with four faces facing four directions. The four sides of Phra Phrom deity represent the four qualities of Lord Buddha;namely Metta (Loving kindness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Sympathy) and Upekkha (Equality). Four Hands: the four cardinal directions—east, south, west, and north. The back right hand represents mind, The back left hand represents intellect, The front right hand is ego, and The front left hand is self-confidence. Items held in Hands ※prayer flag : omnipotent power ※Vedas: wisdom ※triton (Seashell): blessing ※paddle: ward off misfortunes, conquer devils, get rid of troubles ※scepter: boundless authority ※water pot: all request will be granted ※beads: reincarnation ※mudra: protection   四面佛手执法器与手印都有其意义: 令旗:代表万能法力 经书:代表智慧 海螺:代表赐福 法轮:代表消灾、降魔、灭烦恼 权杖:代表至上成就 水壶:代表解渴;有求必应 念珠:代表轮回 手印:代表保佑、保护 四面分別代表事業、感情、財富及健康。 正面求事業、生意, 左面求姻緣, 右面求健康, 後面求財。 另一方面,四面佛四面亦代表慈、悲、喜、捨。
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 03:05:23 +0000

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