Just sharing, This is an amazing story of alignment and - TopicsExpress


Just sharing, This is an amazing story of alignment and conformation. This is about an amazing conformation of alignment with the best God has for you and what you ask for. Not looking for approval or further conformation. Its just too good not to share. Ok so this weekend ended up being a little more miraculous then I thought it would be. Besides this being an awesome weekend on my first fishing trip ever, with some of the most important people in my life now. My grandsons and their dad. I also had quite an experience with my son and daughter. In a role reversal scenario of parent child, child parent relationship. I guess I did a great job of teaching them how to be great parents. Because they sure did a parent child number on me. They actually had to call me out, let me know Im busted, one of those just come clean moments. Like I did with them probably thousands of times. In my extensive effort of considering their feelings, after three years since their mothers passing. I was at a lost of how I would tell them that I think I have met someone I find to be very special. And that I have been developing an unbelievably wonderful friendship with her. I decided to try it out on my son first,and yeah I got the 3rd degree from him. I tried to tell him to chill keep it to your self Ill tell your sister myself. He said ok, but evidently I forgot how well I taught them to face and deal with the truth straight up. Not only do we not keep to much from each other we cant were to adept at seeing through each other. So he spills the beans to my daughter, and she so cool and calmly pretended like she didnt know anything until she had me cornered at the breakfast table on Sunday morning right in front of the grand kids. So daddy when are you going to tell me about her? Me, HuH who, you know who, me, dam that boy cant keep his mouth shut. So as I proceeded to confess under extreme pressure from the motherly stare of my daughters loving eyes. Heres the part I really want to get to, after I told her about many of the basics, I then proceeded to tell her that it took about a month or more for me to get my new friend to give me her phone number. When she did I sat down that evening and I said ok God, universe and Carol, my late wife who made her transition 3 yrs ago now. If this is a good alignment for me and this woman let me know. Im going to play her number in the lottery. I wont give you all of them, but the first three I planned to play was 423, I always play wheel in N.J. and combo in N.Y. Just before it was time to go play, I get a phone call from an important family member who needed to talk to me. So I didnt get to play, but when I checked the number 423 came out in both N.J. & N.Y. That same night I got the number and asked for conformation of alignment. Talking about a quick and definite answer, you just cant make this stuff up folks. Also my daughter said early that morning she was debating with her self as to whether or not to bring it up to me or wait. She said the first song she heard on the radio in her car when she went shopping that morning was Dont cry for me... And she knew it was her mom letting her know all is well. Ok then to top it all off, after telling her about the number conformation I got from God, Source, the universe and her mom. While I was on my way home on the train from Maryland. I checked the numbers for N.J. and N.Y. 432 came out in N.J. again. And 162 came out in N.Y. a number I hit when I was with Carol one night for $5,000.00. I would have hit for $50,000.00 but she pick the wrong time to be upset with me and didnt want to give me the extra money to place a big bet. But it turned out just fine anyway we laughed all the way to the bank. I immediately called my daughter and said I think your mom is backing me up again, my daughter said well I guess so. For my Abe friends who I played the money game with, if you remember I created a woman named Faith who I met and fell in love with. Well her name is not Faith but she represents the Essence of it to me. Also to my family and friends please dont press me for more info right now, shes very private and I dont want to put her in any uncomfortable situations. I posted a piece called the Art of Loving it was inspired by my new relationship with her. I will repost it for those who may have not seen it.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:33:11 +0000

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