Just sharing my brave and survivor mother in law.. One of the - TopicsExpress


Just sharing my brave and survivor mother in law.. One of the strongest woman I know! Please keep her in your prayers Kimberley Erev: I do not often post on here, or anywhere for that matter, about my health. More specifically, my journey with Breast Cancer. I enjoy Facebook as a social forum where I can celebrate the everyday events of friends and family and often a good chuckle or cheer to celebrate milestones. Although, I am conflicted about this post I have decided an update was due as many of you have been inquiring how I am and it is getting more difficult to respond to everyone individually. I want to start by thanking everyone of you who has shown me incredible love and support these past 5 years as you stood by Eli and I during some very difficult and emotional challenges. If it were not for your love, I would not have made it this far. I love and appreciate everyone of you more than I may express sometimes. Many of you are aware that my cancer came back this past July and I was diagnosed with Regional Breast Cancer Recurrence. The Doctors removed the tumor and decided that there was nothing further they could do. My husband Eli Erev and my sister-in-law Rachel Amar who is a nurse practitioner in Israel, insisted on a second opinion. If you know either of them no thanks is NOT an option. I have sought answers through numerous tests and Doctors recently at Banner MD Anderson and am in the care of an entire team of specialists that have collectively evaluated my disease and will continue to work together going forward. I am in very good hands! What you may not be aware of is that my cancer has decided to take a new course and is now Triple Negative. Originally, I was ER Positive. In other words, it has come back as a different type of Breast Cancer in the exact same location. Unfortunately, it is a more complicated and aggressive cancer that has a much higher risk for distant metastasis (spreading to the bones, liver, lungs or brain). As one of my Oncologists put it we are now fighting for my life. I need to let go of the past to move forward. November 18th 2009 was the day of my mastectomy and since that day we have endured 17 surgeries, chemo, double chemo, 34 radiation treatments, a stroke and every test imaginable. On November 18, 2014, I will be having my 18th surgery followed by another regime of chemo and whatever else they have in store for me. I will be brutally honest now.....I am petrified! I honestly do not know how much more my body can take. I am growing tired and weary. The pain is unbearable at times and yes, I am angry. I am not always happy and upbeat as I would hope to be. My Cancer is very inconvenient to myself and others. It gets old and can make one appear selfish to some. It definitely has taken a toll on those closet to me. The disease is not always all about me. As you can imagine, if it were you and your family, everyone suffers. Eli has been amazingly strong and supportive. My sister Laura Boutilier Bradley is coming on the 20th for awhile to help take care of me. I am very appreciative to her and my brother for sending her. I will let you know how I am after surgery for those of you that want to know. Going forward, it is going to get more complicated and perhaps a little ugly so I will move to a different forum that has been offered to me through The American Cancer Society to stay in touch with loved ones through my difficult battle that lies ahead of us. Thank you for your love and support. I value your friendship and take comfort in your prayers. Try to be kind to one another and leave room in your heart for love, tolerance and forgiveness. Reach out to those you love.....life really is too short!!! With affection and love.....until soon!!! Kimberley, Survivor xoxo
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:02:21 +0000

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