Just so you are thoroughly informed. The images of this cat are - TopicsExpress


Just so you are thoroughly informed. The images of this cat are the result of a no kill animal control shelter we have paper work claiming she was healthy she was diagnosed 3 days later with growth deformities, FHV+, coccidia and a ruptured globe in her eye. I was doing end of life cancer care of my 15 yr old cat when we adopted her and had to medicate her 8 times a day as well as go to the vet 3 times a week for 4 months, she was blind and sick. Also, as a Savannah native it is my duty to inform you that the SCMP animal control unit was under investigation for wrong doing, neglect and cross contamination. The lady in charge has since been released from her duty even though her higher up government official husband tried desperately to keep her job. Fighting for Liberty
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:39:27 +0000

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