Just some information I found after seeing some unbelievable facts - TopicsExpress


Just some information I found after seeing some unbelievable facts posted by this organization. About CNS WHAT IS THE MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER? The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative media watchdog group, run by L. Brent Bozell III, which centers its focus of “media analysis” on identifying “liberal media bias“, and using its highly influential operations to make the media report more of what conservatives want to hear, therefore adding more so-called “balance” to the mainstream outlets. The MRC’s slogan is “The Leader in Documenting, Exposing and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias“. WHO FUNDS THE MRC? Most of the the operations being run out of the MRC are bankrolled by high-priced donors, along with influential conservative organizations, the likes of which include The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute topping the list of funders. They also have the support of George Mason University, a public university based in Fairfax County, Virginia. As for the amount of money individual organizations have donated to the MRC, a detailed breakdown shows the “Koch [Brothers]-run Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, and the Sarah Scaife Foundation, among many others” as the most charitable to Brent Bozell’s organization. WHAT IS THE CYBERCAST NEWS SERVICE? The MRC is the parent organization of CNS News. The selling point of this specific website is to report “The Right News. Right Now.“, as their slogan puts forth. Majority of articles on CNS create the illusion of a straight news journalist wanting to give the facts of a particular story or issue, rather than politicizing it for the benefit of a certain side. In reality, anybody who actually reads through a full article on CNS sees that they do the complete opposite of what they promise. They also claim that their website exists because the media is so liberal, and how they’re the ones reporting on the stories that other news organizations won’t. While CNS vows to “fairly present all legitimate sides of a story and debunk popular, albeit incorrect, myths about cultural and policy issues” with their “full staff of credentialed journalists“, their attempts to prove how credible they are falls short of journalistic standards. They even sink so low to deceive readers while citing content from real news organizations. The best example of this is when they run news stories from the Associated Press, which requires them to pay a fee to post articles from the popular news agency. However, many instances have shown where they run an AP article, but rewrite the headline to push right-wing talking points, even if the article has nothing to do with what’s mentioned in CNS’ altered headline. There aren’t too many “credentialed journalists” who would hijack a real news article to inject partisan rhetoric in such a pathological manner. Majority of readers will be convinced more by the headline of an article than the actual body, especially when the piece is a generic news article, which doesn’t grab attention as effectively. CNS knows the typical news story is hard to comprehend, so they make it controversial enough to get partisan readers to show more interest. The best way to define CNS News is a website masquerading as a news delivery service, supposedly giving readers straight news with no bias. WHO IS BRENT BOZELL? L. Brent Bozell III is the President and Founder of the Media Research Center (MRC), as well as Publisher of the Cybercast News Service. He overseas all of the operations run by the MRC (including NewsBusters), while also speaking on behalf of the organization, and making media appearance to push an anti-liberal message. Aside from how much bias MRC/CNS News commits, the more incredible thing is how Brent Bozell doesn’t even so much as admit that there may be even the slightest bit of conservative bias in the media. With how much corporate run media has always sided with the desires of its corporate slaves, Fox News Channel has never been particularly singled out by Bozell, or anybody at the MRC, as biased. In fact, Bozell has actually been quoted cheerleading for the network, saying “Americans want balanced news, not liberal advocacy. Fox offered them ‘fair and balanced’ journalism, and America has embraced them.” Unbelievable. The MRC chief even took it a step further, claiming “there is nothing inaccurate that they [Fox News] have done” and that “you can’t point a finger to anything Fox News has done incorrectly“. If that doesn’t explain what kind of absurd organization Brent Bozell is overseeing, I don’t know what can. WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN FOR CNS’ AGENDA AS A “NEWS” ORGANIZATION? An opinion of Fox News, like the one that Bozell admits to, shows what complete contempt he really has for journalism. If he truly cared about practicing journalism, and doing what CNS purports, Bozell would make sure CNS actually does so without practicing partisan tactics when reporting current news events. Mind you, this is a man who goes all over the place saying how biased the news media is, when his own so-called news agency shows more bias than any of the publications and outlets that exist. So, if Fox News is his idea of what real news should be, there is no way he’ll be able to run his own real news outlet. That’s why CNS pretends to report news while spouting far-right propaganda, all under the guise of supposed journalists who have credibility. WHAT OTHER SITES DOES THE MRC RUN (SIMILAR TO CNS News)? CNS News isn’t the only website run by the MRC. They have multiple entities doing as much work, if not more, than NewsBusters to push a far-right, conservative agenda. Other projects run by the MRC: Business & Media Institute – “Advancing The Culture of Free Enterprise in America“ Culture and Media Institute – “Advancing Truth and Virtue In The Public Square“ MRC Action – “Citizens Demanding Truth In Media“ MRCTV – “A Division of the Media Research Center“ NewsBusters – “Exposing & Combating Liberal Media Bias“ Parents Television Council – “A non-partisan education organization advocating responsible entertainment.“ Times Watch – “Documenting and Exposing the New York Times’ Liberal Political Agenda“ © 2013 CNS News Watch. All rights reserved. About | About CNS | Contact Blog Rules | FAQs | Account News Releases | Corrections | Jobs Blog at WordPress. The Coraline Theme. Follow Follow “CNS News Watch” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Join 40 other followers Powered by WordPress
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 12:45:55 +0000

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