Just some thoughts...I am only tagging in the people that I know - TopicsExpress


Just some thoughts...I am only tagging in the people that I know cannot always see my feed for different reasons. (or for example their church may be praying and i want the church to have an update as well) The rest I ask that you forgive the non-tagging and realize this is for you as much as anyone else! THANK you so much dear friends...no, dear family. Blood should not determine who your family is. Family is based on love, compassion and genuine concern. I would be lost without you all. Still five days without food...but at least I dont feel as hungry anymore. That was hard being hungry and not being able to eat. I am very pleased though that I managed to drink about 1/2 of a bottle of water today alone. That is more than I had been able to do in four days before. Just small sips here and there because of the difficulty in swallowing (and tongue swelling) but it is getting the job done. I have to say though, despite all I am currently enduring, I feel so completely and TOTALLY blessed. I always knew you all were wonderful, but in times like these, one learns to appreciate the value of such wonderful people in your life. I have been getting encouragement from old/dear friends and from new ones I just scarcely met. I have been blessed by all of you alike! Brandon has my password. He is going to do an update tomorrow and/or Wed. for me. Unfortunately, I am just a bit drained (lack of food, pain, etc.) but I am not complaining. To make gold pure, it is heated again and again. Each time the black drudge is siphoned off. Each time making it purer and purer and more valuable. While I am not gold, I know that God considers me even more valuable. He is with me in this situation and using the fires of sickness to refine me and take the drudge off the top. I hope in the end that I will be even more suited to serve Him in new and exciting ways. Someone once told me (paraphrasing) You have been to so many places and done so many things. I wish God would use me that way. I smiled and asked them, have you ever told Him that He could and meant it? My life has never been easy. People have come and gone and every time I find solid ground, it begins shaking until I move. I have nothing material wise. We dont always have full bellies. We wonder sometimes where the bill money will come from. (case in point, no heat last winter and it was cold). But we are so blessed! Every experience has given us more than money ever could! We have seen God work through so many people and circumstances. Like the old country song: I hope someday you get the chance to live like you were dying. Be at peace, love one another and be a shoulder for someone to lean on and never the foot that trips them up. God bless you all!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:38:47 +0000

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