Just something Ive been thinking about; this is not intended to - TopicsExpress


Just something Ive been thinking about; this is not intended to offend people or make me seem like a know-it-all. If you take it that way, feel free to delete me. My grandparents were married for a very long time, surely they had their times of hardship and disagreement. However, they stuck it out until almost 3 years ago when my Poppa passed away. He was a truly amazing man and I miss him all the time, as does Phyllis Wilson and the rest of our family. They showed me what married should be. They set that standard in my life. But when I hear about other people who havent been together very long (or maybe they have) and all of a sudden they decide to call it quits, it makes me wonder. Granted, I dont know the situation first hand and I am not saying I understand. I just simply wonder, did you try? Did you REALLY try? Did you read the entire counseling section of the yellow pages? Did you whisper when you wanted to yell? Did you twiddle your thumbs instead of hitting something? Did you accept the help of family and friends as mediators and advisors? Each relationship is different and at times its completely obvious when its time to call it quits. However, if youre on the fence about staying or going, just ask yourself if you really truly tried. Even if youre the only one and youre spouse already has one foot out the door, at least you did YOUR part. Take pride in that. It takes a bigger person to stay and make it last, even if they feel theyve exhausted every option available. Check again. Its easy to say youre done, but actions are stronger than words. Trust me, Ive been there. Our household has had more than enough stress and weve been through things that should have torn us apart. But here we are. Doing fine. Taking it day by day. And we rest peacefully knowing that I did try. We tried and it got us through another day.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:37:34 +0000

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