Just take a look at many comments on social networks, appreciate - TopicsExpress


Just take a look at many comments on social networks, appreciate an upsurge in positive approval for MCP following the election of Rev Dr. Lazarus Chakwera as President during a peaceful convention in Lilongwe recently. But which MCP is this? Do the people know this MCP? Malawi Voice news website this week carried an article where, MCP Secretary General Chris Daza was on his knees begging Malawians to forgive the party’s past iniquities and support it as days narrow towards next year’s general elections. MCP wants Malawians to forgive its iniquities? Does MCP know itself? Do its members accept the honest truth about their party? In my view Malawi Congress Party was supposed to be banned long time ago. In fact after losing the 1994 elections it was not supposed to continue to subsist in this democratic era. The party survived at the mercy of President Bakili Muluzi. Muluzi being the first President if he so wished he could have banned it without anyone challenging such a decision. The atrocities the party committed were enough to have it outlawed. I say without contradiction that MCP was supposed to be disbanded after 1994. Let’s have a sober look at references. GERMANY Which party governed Germany during the leadership of furher Adolf Hitler? It is Nazi. Does Nazi, its emblems, slogans exist today? In fact they are all banned by international law. Nazi is outlawed not only in Germany but also in countries its influences were felt. The point is Nazi committed serious atrocities against humans. No political party or organization is allowed to adopt Nazi’s set of insignia including it’s slogans. SOUTH AFRICA Which party governed South Africa during the white apartheid rule before Nelson Mandela and ANC took over? *National Party (NP).* Does NP exist today? *Banned! * Flying NP flag is condemned. Coming back to MCP what the hell is it doing in Malawi? Let’s answer these simple questions. Did Nazi kill or mutilate people? *Yes*. Did MCP kill or mutilate people?*Yes * throwing them under the tyre, running over their heads. How many years did NP arrest Mandela without trial-*27 years*! How long did MCP arrest Matchipisa Munthali without trial- *27 years*. Did National Party (NP) execute political dissidents? *Yes.* Did MCP execute political dissidents *Yes!* Did Nazi oppress its citizens* Yes*. Did MCP oppress its citizens* Yes all over!* Did NP promote segregation* Yes *apartheid. Did MCP promote segregation *Yes it did *repatriated northerners purely based on tribalism. Evidence is in fact northerners were being repatriated based on their registered surnames. Did NP send anyone to exile? *Yes *Prominent names include ANC president OR Tambo, Thabo Mbeki in Zambia and UK respectively. Did MCP send anyone to exile? *Yes.* Reports say it even sent snipers and assassinated them there. One such is Mkwapatira Mhango in Zambia. What is your conclusion? At least I need someone to convince me MCP was lesser than Nazi and NP. In my examinations I have failed. In some instances I have found it worse than Nazi and NP. For instance Nazi and NP never fed people’s bodies to crocodiles but words from credible repented insiders had it, MCP was doing just that. Don’t get twisted that I am vilifying MCP. I am not saying Malawians should not vote MCP next year. My point I don’t why people would forgive MCP. I will narrate a few incidents during MCP. One day a CCAP pastor showed admiration of President Kamuzu Banda when he visited their church. He took opportunity to deliver a message to the President that faith community was ready to visit him at Sanjika and bless his immediate family especially wife and children. Party supporters and the youth leaguers were so offended. That was the last time people saw that CCAP pastor. He was abducted during the night. A week later he was found dead. That is Malawi Congress Party (MCP). Qumayo Muwalo is speculated to have plotted to overthrow government. Astonishingly, it is the inner circle, fellow senior members who reported him. Let’s say he indeed made the plot. Did he deserve to be hanged in the presence of his family? Did he deserve to be hanged without investigating his case. Did he deserve to be hanged without fair trial? Didn’t he deserve lawyers for his side of story? He had parents, dependents, children and wife or wives Malawi Congress Party (MCP) went ahead and chopped off his head. Now when you say Malawians must forgive MCP what do you mean. How would Muwalo family forgive? No circumstances or situations on earth justify cruelty of any forms. It is easy to ask for forgiveness. But the biggest fairness would be for MCP to list down the people it abducted, murdered and assassinated before we may begin the process of forgiveness. This party wants forgiveness yet doesn’t want to admit the cruelties most of whom remain nothing but mysteries. How would Gwede, a mere low profile police officer putting on a short, with a baton stick in his hands have rebelled Malawi Congress Party in full view of a fully fledged, defense force, special forces, youth leaguers and an Israeli trained paramilitary? Is it true that dissidents were stripped naked and locked in cold rooms for days before their dead frozen bodies could be collected? I mean who raised the knives? Did Stanford Demba, the minister of state, die a natural death? Who exactly assassinated the six ministers in Mwanza? I mean who raised the knives? Is it true that many bodies of Malawians were fed to crocodiles? What crime would warrant anyone’s body to be fed to crocodiles? Former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi was an insider having served MCP Secretary General, Principal of the biggest paramilitary MYP base at Nansawa, Minister of Youths, Minister of Education and Minister without portfolio. He revealed during his campaign rallies MCP had crocodiles! Being an ex-insider how could Malawians have disbelieved him? They are all gone but their souls will never die. And without MCP’s disputing for 17 years now how can Malawians disbelieve the stories? I have read many Nazi stories, I haven’t heard of crocodiles. I have read about NP but there is none about crocodiles. Wasn’t MCP worse? Kamuzu died in 1997. Supporting MCP resurrection is like pushing all iniquities to Kamuzu. Yes Kamuzu was a good man. All the cruelties were done by his henchmen. They were motivated by possibility of succeeding the old man watching his age. EVIDENCE If you need evidence that Kamuzu was a good man running a party infested with devils. Wasn’t Kamuzu promoting education, splashing scholarships, constructing colleges and universities? Wasn’t he promoting Agriculture technology by opening Agricultural Research Stations? While he was doing this what was his henchmen doing in the communities? Intimidating the people, whispering to them: *Any one who gets educated higher than Ngwazi will be arrested. *Anyone who builds a house better than Sanjika will be charged. In my village police mobbed a man because he was constructing a good house. They took pictures and statements about the source of his income. The police were not sent by Kamuzu. They got tips from the Areal branch that the man vowed to beat Kamuzu by constructing a house better than Sanjika. After taking the pictures they never came back. It is rumored that after seeing the pictures Kamuzu dismissed them. The jealousies that persisted in MCP never emanated from Kamuzu. While Kamuzu was preaching about good shelter being the objective of his government his jealousy men were intimidating anyone constructing a good home. After inspecting crops, praising farmers and motivating them, his men were sending thieves at night slashing the whole field. Do you believe Kamuzu was sending these thieves?** University lecturers were being abducted without Kamuzu’s knowledge. Their bodies would be collected in river banks. Fake accidents were common place. If you need more evidence Kamuzu was a good man but his henchmen had wicked agendas. When Kamuzu lost elections to Muluzi, didn’t he accept defeat? He did. Did his henchmen accept defeat? They were about to begin threatening war as if they even knew the difference between a gun and catapult. Kamuzu even admitted atrocities on behalf of the party. Did his henchmen resign to their iniquities? They disowned their own misdeeds. They are only coming now. Is the request in good faith? So what custom allows us to commit a crime, deny responsibility only accept and seek forgiveness after 19years! Another evidence that Kamuzu was a good man. Before he died, they visited him seeking guidance on how they would proceed as a party and leadership. They expected him to finger point them. They were in for a chock. He requested them to surrender the party to a youthful man named McWilliams Lunguzi. He recommended Chakuamba as a running mate or vice president Basi. After the Ngwazi died did they follow his formation? Never, not even, once! Ignorance has even made many people suggesting that Chiradzulu murders started during Muluzi regime when in reality they first broke during MCP. WHY MCP HECHMEN WERE COMMITTING ATROCITIES In my interpretation like have said, any of his closest men was harboring ambitions to take juicy positions after his death. But they were worried people would protest. They were also worried Kamuzu would appoint different persons to take over from him after death. So the cruelties were: (1) intimidation on the people (2) eliminating competitors (3) eliminating resistance. CONCLUSION Going back to MCP looks beautiful idea but does not guarantee safety. In my conclusion MCP is the luckiest party on earth! So let’s vote them cautiously knowing they don’t deserve our vote anyway.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 12:57:04 +0000

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