Just taking an unnoticed break from homework to go ahead and point - TopicsExpress


Just taking an unnoticed break from homework to go ahead and point out... Ive been here for four months starting today! Admittedly, its felt slightly less than four months, but what it is is what it is I guess. One third of a year has gone by since Ive seen California, and I miss it. California folk who have come to North Carolina during summer can definitely back up my proclamation when I say I miss the weather. But one thing I never thought Id ever think about, but I miss the diversity. I mean, its been at least three times where a teacher points out how diverse our classroom is as far as ethnicity is concerned. We have Italians, British kids, Germans, African American, and Indian people in this class. Thats pretty diverse. However, when I stop and think about it, thats not as diverse as back in California. Our classroom have the children with the skin colors of white, black, and brown. Then again, theres really only two Indian kids, so the biggest population belongs to the first two. Although, Ive always found it funny when people mistaken my ethnic background. I think its pretty obvious. But when I stopped to think about everybody else, Ive pretty much thought of them as white. Not Italian, Roman, Greek, German, Polish, Finnish, British, and all the other European countries. So maybe, I seem about as unidentifiable to them, as they are to me. Maybe they could look at each other and say, Youre Italian and I can tell because of the shade of your skin, while I cant. Of course, there are a lot of common names spread throughout all ethnic backgrounds within Europe, making them all too hard for me distinguish. Even though it probably isnt true, that they can look at each other and then be able to determine their ancestors countries, but I mean, they have the ability to. So while Ive been sitting here wondering how they cant tell Im Indian, maybe theres some other kid sitting at home wondering how I couldnt tell he was German. Although a lot of my classmates are divided in country of origin, so a mix of them, but Ive never really thought of it this way. Ive been able to seem that they have a hard time understanding me, but maybe I dont know them as well as I think I do. If I, or simply anybody in any situation was really open minded, then I believe that it would end up benefitting you in a big way later on. Just something to think about.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:07:02 +0000

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