Just think for one moment...If everyone in the world who is - TopicsExpress


Just think for one moment...If everyone in the world who is able...would prayerfully choose to take into their hearts and lives at least two people, to love and to make certain the basic necessities are being met if that one is unable for whatever reason at that time. Whether they are widowed, elder, disabled, sick, lonely, depressed, heartbroken, grief stricken, or any other affliction. JUST THINK for a moment what impact as Christians could have IF ONLY. To take and set aside just a little time to be there. Im not making reference to money. I am simply stating what no doubt Our Lord Jesus Christ would have us do in His Precious Name. How important to spend precious time with someone you would visit without looking at your watch the whole time to take time and in relaxed atmosphere just visit. How important in life it is to have someone you can talk with. Towith. Not someone who talks at you but with you. And no one could possibly understand how it is to be in need of assistance with things that need to be done that may see simple to one, that nay would take only a small effort but to one as listed above or one who is unable to walk easy, its like standing at the foot of a high mountain...knowing you have no choice but to make it to the top because there are others depending upon you. So regardless to how severe the pain, no matter how far you must crawl if need be, you have no choice. So you carry on as you call out to a Merciful God for He is the ONLY ONE who you can count on. He said He would never leave nor forsake. SO THOSE OUT THERE who BELIEVE in a Holy GOD who makes a way when there seems no way. There are a Multitude of people who are in Desperate Need. Some are known by many some not .... But no one has time. As Christians there is No Excuse for failing to do these things if you are aware. Its easy to pretend its not an issue. Its easy to turn your head away and close your minds to to those who are forgotten. *BUT GOD DOESNT FORGET. *HE HASNT forgotten you. *GOD WILL SEND TO YOU SOMEONE WHO GENUINELY CARES. *YOU JUST HAVE TO HANG ON. *GOD WILL SEND TO YOU SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO SPEND VALUABLE TIME BEING A PART OF YOUR LIFE. INSTEAD OF A MAD DASH IN AND OUT. BECAUSE YOU ARE VALUABLE. *GOD WILL GENTLY REMOVE FROM YOUR LIFE THOSE WHO SOW DISCORD AND DEVISES WICKED PLANS AGAINST YOU. *JUST HANG ON A LITTLE LONGER. *GOD THE FATHER LOVES YOU. * GOD THE SON LOVES YOU *GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT LOVED YOU WOW! WHO MORE DO WE REALLY NEED? ANYTHING OVER AND ABOVE IS JUST
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:03:10 +0000

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