Just thinking: The Led and the Leader Being born and raised in - TopicsExpress


Just thinking: The Led and the Leader Being born and raised in a religious home and in the Yoruba culture gave me a view of leadership, that was warped - leaders were treated like all-knowing, yet many exhibited their sinful nature in the view of everyone, often leaving unbelievers to call Christians and Christianity - hypocrite. As a new full time ministry person, I was exposed to Christian leaders early and within a year, I became frustrated with my new calling (until I got help - and found like minded leaders). Leadership is not a human idea, it is actually Gods, every institution He started has a leader (Men lead the Marriage/Family Institution, a King lead human kingdoms and a Pastor/Priest lead a group of Sheep). Those that God has called to lead, bear huge responsibility (rewarded or disciplined) and they are protected by God. In the Bible the led dont have as much burden as leaders, but a responsibility, to Obey and to ensure that what they are Obeying is Gods word. The problem in our generation is that many leaders no longer teach Gods Word and Principle - rather they are winning converts to their view of thinking. Why else would any pastor not teach the whole counsel of God, but insist that his or her calling is to encourage? Why else would a Pope start misinterpreting scripture to fit his Jesuit beliefs, clearly not scripture (obviously making friends - wrong ones), and Why else would the focus of any place called Church be the human leader (and his/her shenanigans), and not the Groom to which the Church is the bride. I just saw the video of a popular Nigerian pastor wave his hand, and his people are falling down - very poor acting. I have also discovered that many who have the gift and call to lead, sometimes dont have the value, discipline or integrity to do so. A good leader admit fault and repent and use their faults as a teaching tool, while a leader without godly integrity makes a doctrine out of their disobedience (of course, he/she would get followers who finds Gods word bendable - this is why we have gazillon denominations). The Egyptian midwives understood authority (particularly in their days) yet they knew what the Pharaoh was asking them to do was ungodly, so they disobeyed a human. Two Apostles (led by Peter), were judged and flogged by the Sanhedrin Council and told not to preach Christ - to which they replied you judge for yourself if we should listen to you or to God? Paul the Apostle (who wrote over 1/3 of the New Testament) encouraged the many churches he started, not to simply believe every thing he said, rather they should emulate the Berean church, who after hearing, confirm what theyve heard with Gods written word (which in Psychology - helps with better understanding) - so take note at church. To those who have been called to lead (in one form or another) - you have a huge responsibility to which you will account - rather than winning converts to your view point or building your own earthly kingdom, please simply stay with the totality of Gods Truth (then the Holy Spirit would do His part). To those who are being led - understand that your human leader struggle just like you daily with sinful nature (pride, un-forgiveness, embellishment, etc.) anointing or not - pray for them daily, but make sure like Apostle Paul said, that you emulate the Bereans, who would always verify whatever theyve heard with Gods written word. Also, develop your own unique relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:28:41 +0000

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