Just thought Id share this to add a bit of humour to the - TopicsExpress


Just thought Id share this to add a bit of humour to the retrograde period. Remember that even though its not a great time to start new projects, sign documents, or expect your electronics to work without a glitch, hopefully you can still smile regardless. There are a few things you can do to help navigate the sometimes stormy waters of this phase more easily. Back up your computers and your files, check and double check travel plans, dot your Is and cross your Ts when it comes to any kind of paperwork. And for those of us experiencing storms, unplug your electronics to avoid power surges. As Mercury is in Aquarius, there will be the urge to be a bit of a know it all, and fixed in your opinions. So think before you speak and act. Anything that goes askew, will usually need to be revisited once the retrograde period is over anyway, so the more you can avoid hiccups now, the better. For those of you who feel as if the doors youre knocking on are closed tightly shut, take it as a sign that its either not the right time, or not the right situation for you. You will have your answers once Mercury goes direct, and blesses you with clarity and insight. Use this holding space to reflect, revisit, and reevaluate. You will be amazed at what comes to you if you allow yourself to go within, instead of worrying about external circumstances. The more we can keep an open mind and heart during the next few weeks, the kinder this period will be to us. Balance scattered thoughts with some good ol feet in the soil mother earth energy, and remember to breathe. Jupiter in the opposite sign of Mercury, can have us feeling that things are much bigger than they actually are, so before you buy into the drama, take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself if said drama is worth wasting your energy on? Chances are its not! If all else fails, put on some groovy music, and dance like its 1999!! That should curb the dramatic side, and shake off any cobwebs or negative energy!!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:02:23 +0000

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