Just to Echo Daniel Lambies comments below, Id like to thank those - TopicsExpress


Just to Echo Daniel Lambies comments below, Id like to thank those at the Trust for all their work since the end of last season. I really enjoyed the meeting before the game yesterday and Id recommend that as many people as possible join the trust and go to the AGM in October (if only to save me having to try and remember and type stuff). I dont think that there were any minutes taken yesterday and so Ive set out my recollection of events below in case thats of interest to anyone. I didnt take notes at the time so please feel free to correct anything that is wrong: Willie Marshall took the mic with Bob Reid joining in. Willie had spoken to Jim Ballantyne (JB) prior to the meeting. JB was keen to correct certain comments which he had read on social media. He had told Willie that this years playing budget was higher than last years had been. Willie had asked JB whether the club had received income from the departures of Jordan Allan and Liam Coogans from Airdrie and the transfer of Tony Watt from Celtic. JB had confirmed that the club had received money from each of those transfers. The club had proposed to run at a deficit this season and the income from those transfers would only allow for the club to make up that deficit. Cliftonhilgate was discussed. Willie and Bob Reid confirmed that the whole issue stemmed from comments made by JB around February last year that a rent review was due in respect of the lease at the stadium and that the club might not be able to afford to play there next (now this) season. That story seemed to gather a bit of momentum at the tail end of last season but JB eventually confirmed that we would be playing at the Excelsior and it was as if there had never been any suggestion of anything else. The trust felt a bit mislead and there was a comment from the floor that the shareholders did too. Willie confirmed that the trust had held numerous meetings with the stadium owners (mainly Paul Hetherington????) which were mainly in respect of events held by the trust at the stadium. Willie noted that the trust had been very helpful to the trust and that the trust had never been granted free use of facilities at the stadium for certain of its events. Willie noted that there was a discrepancy in the figures which JB and the Stadium management quoted that the club were charged for use of the stadium and that the Stadium owners had noted at the meeting with them that they would be able to provide evidence of the figures actually charged. There was some comment from the floor that the Stadium Company should be giving the club a better deal, but Willie noted that the Stadium Company feels that it in fact subsidises the club with the rent at the present level. It was also noted that the Ballantyne family did have the stadium for 18 months but had been unable to run it sustainably. There was uncertainty as to whether the rent review on the stadium had gone ahead and been agreed. JB had stated that the rent had gone up by 40%. Whether a new lease has actually been agreed or not was unclear. TRUST PROJECTS Over the summer the Trusts main project had been the free season tickets for kids. The Trust had gone to the Club last season after the Rangers cup draw to ask for free entry for kids. It had been agreed that if the trust paid £3,000, the club would allow for free entry for kids. After the success of that scheme, the trust was keen to put something in place this season. The idea was put to the club. As with last season the club asked that the Trust pay money to make up the shortfall in gate receipts which would result. Bob Reid commented at this point that the negotiations with the club had not been easy. The trust felt that the sum looked for by the club was too high. The trust had eventually agreed to pay £9,000 but this was only after this offer had been rejected by the club and the trust had threatened to walk away. Bob made clear that the trust had given money to the club every year and asked for nothing in return. He felt that this was a watershed moment and the trust was no longer going to simply hand money over without assurances. Trust membership has increased dramatically since the end of last season (from around 40-50 up to around 170???). Trust happy at this although there was disappointment expressed about the attendance at the meeting (PLEASE COME ALONG TO THE AGM!!!). Aces Numbers also increased (up to c.140?????). Days out to Stenhousemuir had been a success. First league home match (facepainting etc) also a success. Aces were being put through a coaching session by Scott Black during the meeting. RUMOURS REGARDING OWNERSHIP The future of the club was discussed. It was unclear whether the Ballantyne family had any intention to sell the club. There was no indication as to what the value of the club was considered to be. It was also noted that there may not be anyone out there who would want to buy the club from the Ballantyne family. The trust was questioned regarding the incorporation of a company called The Airdrieonians Football and Athletic Company Limited (the name of the original Airdrieonians company) with Paul Hetherington and Colin Rutherford (a former club director) as the directors on 9 May 2014 (nice date!). Paul Hetherington had been questioned on this and had said that he was keen to look at doing community work within the area and as this name was again available he felt that it was a good company name to use for community projects. Willie and Keith (surname) from the trust had attended Supporters Direct meetings. Fan Ownership is a growing trend with football clubs at the moment and the trust felt that this was a possibility. MY OPINION ONLY was that there was a general frustration with the transparency of the financial information available from the club. Keith noted that all 42 Scottish League clubs were asked to submit their accounts for Supporters Direct to review. 2 clubs failed to submit any accounts. Airdrie were give 2/10 for the level of content within our accounts and were placed 38th out of the 40 clubs who responded. Will Shanks questioned whether the trust should have representation on the club board. Bob Reid felt that wouldnt really help as given the club was mostly owned by a family, it was not the case that there were necessarily regular board meetings at which matters would be discussed and even if the trust disagreed, ultimately it is for the Ballantyne family to make decisions which it feels are for the benefit of the club and having someone on the board wouldnt lead to any real voting power or better financial information. There was recognition within the meeting that without the Ballantyne family, there may be no club, however Mark Allison noted that the purpose that the trust was originally founded for was to try and ensure that we never face another liquidation situation and that the Trust should be ready to take action if the club ever appears to be under threat. Willie agreed with that and noted that the trust was keen to try and build its funds so that there is a safety net of cash there should it ever be required. Sammy Conn Funeral Some trust members had been to Sammy Conns funeral on Friday. It was noted that Airdrieonians had been strongly represented throughout that meeting (photo of Sammy at the funeral, former team mates there etc). Mark Allisons fundraising has been going well and it is hoped that there will be an event to raise funds for the Hospice which looked after Sammy later this year involving all of his former clubs (Senior and Junior). Merchandising/Kit Aid Dougie Allsop took the mike to update on merchandising. Starting Point - Trust given that space for free. Please not it is only a small space and it will not be manned. Please be patient with that. New merchandising lines - Dougie said merchandising had been successful to date. There are 3 main suppliers who are used to dealing with clubs such as West Ham and Norwich who order in 1000s. He is ordering in much smaller numbers and trying to make a profit for the trust. Again patience was pleaded for. This is volunteers doing their best to help the trust. All stock has been paid for and if everything is sold at RRP that would make the trust [£1,200???]. ML6 Lager - This is Lerwick Brewerys 60 Degrees North Lager re-badged for Airdrie with a cut per bottle going to the Trust. Alison Graham has taken the lead on this and some pubs in the town and Colas off licence have agreed to support it. Sales have been going well in Cue Here and the West End and its being investigated whether it can be put in on draft. Dougie urged people to be positive, some people dont like it, thats fair enough, but it is a lager which has been given great reviews. For a club with under 1,000 as its average attendance to have its own lager should be something that we celebrate. If all of the cases ordered are sold it should bring in around £500 to the trust. Trust Website - Stuart Mathie?? has donated the time to put this together to the trust and has also paid for its hosting. It is a work in progress at the moment but it will allow for exiled Airdrie fans to buy trust merchandise. Kit Aid - It has been a success. Estimated 4,000 items donated. Planned to take a photo with a jersey on every seat in the main stand next week. Volunteers will be required. ONLY THE LONELY Daniel Lambie confirmed that the clubs classic fanzine is to make a comeback. The original run had died out when the internet started up but as there are no match-day programs any more, Daniel and Jim Milton had decided to start this back up. There have been many volunteers to contribute articles. For the Fanzine to work long term it will need sponsorship. [£40 for a quarter page advertisement???] and if there were 8 ads per addition that should allow it to break even. AOCB It had been rumoured that the club was to cease funding youth development. That is the express purpose of the club lottery and so there was concern if these rumours are true. The Trust would ask the club to clarify.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:18:05 +0000

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